The details on the signs, symptoms, and treatment of varicose veins in the legs of the women

According to statistics, varicose veins in the legs, and is suffering from more than 72 per cent of all women in the world. You just need to have someone on the signs of varicose veins, are light-weight, but someone who has the disease is passed to the running application form. Today, we are going to speak about the feminine characteristics of the disease of the veins – for some reason, it occurs, as it is a very dangerous thing. We will also analyze the feedback of the people who are faced with the signs of varicose veins, and to honor the views and opinions of the experts on how to treat varicose veins on the legs in women.

What happens to the blood vessels

varicose veins in women

The blood moves through the body in a circle, with no stopping. He directs this to the movement of the heart, because of the cuts, the blood is directed through the arteries, the veins. From the top to the bottom and the liquid comes out without a job – because of the force of gravity. But before I get to her feet, and she shall turn, and through the veins, to go to the top of it. And that is taking into account the severity of the problem.

In the process of the circulation of the blood towards the heart has, if possible, the veins should possess strong, elastic walls and valves, and venous, performing the role of a species in a block, it should work like a clock. The schema for the blood of a healthy movement is the heart pushes the fluid into the blood vessels, the walls of the arteries are small and arise in the blood to the top, the valves of the snap closed and lock the flow in a certain area, don't give blood - "sliding down". The next time, that is, the reduction of the blood vessels, the flow advances to a new stage, where it is set to the next valve.

And now, let's say, for whatever reason:

  • The walls of the vessels have lost their tone and become less elastic, it is not within the power of raising a large amount of blood on it.
  • The valves of the "break in" and will not get closed completely, by ignoring a portion of the venous blood in the opposite direction.

In this case, a deadlock occurs: the blood down to the feet, in the same way, but being back in the heart of the image. In place of the "cracks" begin to gather a lot of blood, it stretches the vein walls even more, appear the visible symptoms of varicose veins.

That occurs with the disease

The doctors believe that the main reason for the development of women, the varicose veins feet — as well as hereditary predisposition. If you are a mother, a father, a grandmother or a grandfather pronounced the same, at least some of the symptoms of varicose veins increase the veins, then it is a disease with a high probability, it will be in the hands of a woman. So that a man may know that he is predisposed to varicose veins in the legs. The disease is manifested only in the presence of a number of factors. In the first place, and the commitment to working on the veins and occur in the women with the "standing" professions. In the area of risk are the following:

  1. Of the surgeons.
  2. The order of a dentist.
  3. Hair stylists.
  4. The other vendors.
  5. The teacher.

A sedentary lifestyle can also cause varicose veins. At particular risk for women who like to sit in one of the legs, or one foot to the other, in the position in vienna, a beat, and you have stopped the circulation of the blood.

Another common cause that can cause of varicose veins are the veins of the legs and the thighs is the increase in intra-abdominal pressure and the pressure in the veins. It occurs when the rise of a great importance, therefore, of varicose veins often occur in women who are fond of the classes at the gym. In half of the cases of varicose veins occur during pregnancy. And, for that reason, it's not just varicose veins on the legs, but that is the extent of the vein in the pelvis (the groin area).

The first signs

There is the so-called stage prior to the varicose veins, when their disease has not yet, but there are some signs of a dysfunction of the patient. During the examination, the doctor did not detect the expressed deviation of the tonus of the vessel walls at the stage prior to the varicose veins is the ideal the flow of blood also, that is the ideal. But on a micro level, for example varicose veins have already begun to form, and the woman may notice mild symptoms.

The symptoms of varicose veins, the grade of zero on the following:

  • Tolerance to the severity of the legs (a sign that appears after a long walk or a long stay in the same position).
  • The evil is considerable swelling of the feet, at the end of the day.
  • It occasionally appears on "pins and needles" in their legs, or seizures (suddenly and quickly move on).

At this stage, the varicose veins in the female it is easier to take action, there is a need for some kind of serious treatment. Exercise, massage and compression procedure was applied to the feet, and all of the activities of prevention, which is helping to bring vienna back to normal, but, unfortunately, there are only a few that it begins to conduct, but don't give you symptoms to pay attention to.

The explicit signs of problems with your veins, and all the girls

In the later stages of the varicose veins in the legs of the women, especially, are characterized by the external signal when the formation of varicose veins on the legs arise, and it is sufficient to increase very quickly the swollen veins of the blue (when in the form of serious they are purple). In addition to changing the color of the veins will begin to noticeable underneath the key part of the mantle (so that the compressed tuberosities).

Varicose veins on the legs of women is not only the external symptom. If you read the reviews of the patients, and you will see that almost all of the women with varicose veins complain of the following signs of illness:

  1. The pain, the weight, and a burning sensation in the legs.
  2. A sense of numbness in the toes of the feet.
  3. The reduction of the sensitivity of the skin in an area of the patient's body.
  4. The feeling of crawling on the skin of the shaft.
  5. The frequent convulsions in my legs.

And the consequences of their

If you have the run of varicose veins in the legs, or the symptoms of the disease become extremely painful. Venous extension, it will be too big to ride with your feet in the sea, it will not be possible. Spider veins become enormous, bulging "vein clusters". Any of the trauma that they are going to burst, bleed, and rot. Pain, burning pain, cramps in the legs will bother you and the woman, and during exercise, and at rest. So if you move around, it becomes very difficult.

Due to the long-term violation of the circulation of the blood may appear in the signs of dermatitis, eczema and other diseases of the skin, and a hypodermic of pathological changes. In the majority of cases, the implementation of the varicose veins in the legs appear to trophic ulcer on the leg, and stroke. These pathologies are very difficult to deal with, and they are very agonizing symptoms, it is best not to come to such an end, and the start of treatment in the early stages of varicose veins.

The therapy of initial manifestations of

the treatment of varicose veins

If the varicose veins in your legs have b symptoms, so you can try to treat it at home with the help of special underwear you can be wearing socks or tights. In the early stages of the use of the product, along with the elimination of the root causes of what caused the disease, it helps to get rid of the woman's varicose veins of the expansion of the drug's effects.

Compression stockings and socks work in accordance with the principle of the passage. They will improve, they have lost the tone in vienna, and to create the head of the body. Judging by the comments of the experts, it's the clothes, it also helps to keep the vessel in the appropriate location, and do not make them stretch even further. Just to bring to your attention the house, treating varicose veins may be only half and half, with a minimum amount of compression. A product with a stronger compression, should be applied only with the consent of a medical doctor.

What are the other methods of treatment can be used at home. The very initial healing of varicose veins in the legs of a women, made possible with the help of medications. Feedback based on the following two popular types:

  • Rub your feet in a tincture of the nut, plantain, chamomile, onion skin peeling, or stinging nettle.
  • Warm compresses of the tracks are soaked in a strong spoon, tea, welding, or the infusion is used from the bark of the oak tree.
  • By massaging your feet, and the juice of aloe vera or Kalanchoe.
  • By massaging the feet in apple cider vinegar it must be diluted so as not to cause a burning sensation).

In other ways, such as treating varicose veins of popular ways, you can read about it in several blogs out there, and different people give real reviews about all the different methods of treatment. For instance, a lot of it explains how to deal with the advance of varicose veins in the home, with the help of modern of the rest.

Please note: the folk cannot be a substitute for the medical treatment of the implementation of the varicose veins. If you experience the symptoms of a disease, and very explicit, which is, unfortunately, a deal, no pills, and ointments is not going to work.

Tools for medical care

When it seriously is varicose veins of the legs we have to begin with the treating of the vienna of the drug. The doctor in the first place, to the manner of the women, the drugs, with the effect of healing. The main goal of this treatment is the narrowing of the lumen of the veins in the legs, and the work of restoration of the venous valves.

Simply put, varicose veins in the legs of the women, it appears, many times, for so many reasons. To the onset of the disease was one of the best in a timely manner, to take care of their prevention, that can be done at home. The signs, it was found out, and then, regardless of the treatment, it may be only in its early stages. When the marked signs of the disease can be treated as just a drug means that you choose which doctor you see.