Varicose veins — causes, symptoms, and treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Varicose veins of the legs

In this article, we are going to look at it with You is a nasty disease of the lower limbs, such as varicose veins, as well as its causes, symptoms, and treatment of varicose veins, and how the traditional and the popular media.

What are the varicose veins that are for the common man? It is a tiredness in the legs, maybe with a little bit of swelling, lividity, sometimes in the dark, webs of veins. Consider, for disease from the medical point of view.

Varicose veins (varices) — extension and stretching of the veins (blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from the lower body, with a thinning of the wall of the vein, and the education of them to us. The nodules have been formed as a result of pathology of the vein wall, as well as the insufficiency of its valves, because of a genetic defect.

Varicose veins is manifested by an increase in the venous pressure.

Varicose veins is this:

  • lower part of the body;
  • of the esophagus and the stomach;
  • of the pelvis;
  • the egg and the seed of the cable to the power supply.

The most common manifestation of the disease, is varicose veins of the lower limbs, which now will be discussed.

Today, varicose veins is one of the most common diseases that is each of the 3 women and 10 men. The crowd pointed out that in most cases the disease starts at a very young age — between 30 and 40 years of age.

The legs of women in high-heeled shoes

The causes of varicose veins

The main causes of varicose veins:

  • the life style or the work in connection with heavy physical activity, stay to long in one position (sitting or standing) or on a continuous basis, the ambient temperature is high;
  • the significant increase in the mass of the body;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • there is a hormonal influence (pregnancy) and the receipt for the drugs with hormone).

The causes of secondary varicose veins

Barriers at the exit of the blood through his veins. These things can be a blood clot, in the uterus due to a tumor.

Stress and nervous disorders. Does it affect the condition of the blood vessels. On the wall of the vein, it has nerve endings that give you the flexibility. When the pressure builds up, and in one of them, and the impact of various toxins and alcohol out of the lumen of the vessels to lose tone, causing expansion.

The Arterial-venous anastomosis. Such an anastomosis may be formed due to the pressure on the area of the cross-flow blood cell in the blood.

Sports overload. In the at-risk group for all the lovers to the patagate to the piston rod at the gym. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, overloading of the foot, from the excess of physical exercise, and all of a sudden rise in the force of gravity is prevented.

The inconvenience of the dress and the shoes. A lot of tight clothing, such as jeans, may cause the appearance of varicose veins. It is also damaging to the narrow shoes and high heels. When choosing shoes, give preference to the beginning of a wide-sole, the higher the ball, the less pressure on the legs. Walking and balancing on the thin-high heels, we've put in vienna a lot, and the heels add to the heavy bags from the grocery store, then to the veins, they are not eligible.

For all of these reasons contribute to the expansion of the arteries, increasing venous pressure and a malfunction of the venous valves. The consequence of this is the pathological flow of blood in the veins of the lower limbs — with the flow (the current in the return of venous blood from the deep veins to the surface). They are the ones who are causing the aggravation of the disease over time, adding to the pressure on the venous system too many times.

One stream of blood, when the blood flows through the veins of the legs from the bottom to the top, this can be achieved by a number of factors: the pressure of the blood in the arteries, reducing the muscles of the leg and the motion, and the presence of vein valves, which prevent backflow of current from the blood. The failure of these valves to do its function, which is a violation of the venous flow, which leads to to with blood. Because of this, the blood becomes chaotic, the stagnant blood in the veins of the lower extremities, particularly in the hypodermic), their pressure increases, the walls of the blood vessels begin to expand and become more nuanced.

The symptoms of varicose veins

The symptoms of varicose veins, they are directly related to the different stages of varicose disease.

The I and the II stage of the varicose veins

  • the appearance of the vein patterns in the feet, the legs and the hips;
  • in the sense of the gravity of the legs, and passing gas;
  • a seizure, especially at night;
  • swelling of the feet after a long day of work;
  • to moderate, pain in the legs;
  • the increase of the stress.

The third and fourth stage of the varicose veins

The manifestations of the varicose veins
  • with the swelling;
  • varicose veins (telangiectasia);
  • the pain is of a different nature, hot, throbbing, itching, muscle pain when walking, pain in the movement of trunks of veins, the amount of pain, and pain in the legs);
  • complicated, non-varicose veins, casting a web over the surface of the skin of the legs, and a stop;
  • changes in the skin, the skin becomes dry and it gets on the skin pigmentation after the skin of the foot is dark, and covered with brown spots). Later, these symptoms may be involved: contact dermatitis, eczema and trophic disorders, such as poorly healing wounds, all the way to the formation of ulcers.

It's rare, but there are some of the common symptoms, such as bleeding, rupture of the nodes, which occur more often during the night.


Complications of varicose veins

If the varicose veins have appeared in the early symptoms, such as fever and weakness, then, perhaps, that the disease has passed the stage of complications.

When the complication of the varicose veins are:

  • eczema;
  • ulceration of the skin;
  • serious, such as bleeding at the slightest injury;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • bleeding-the varicose veins of the us.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

When you experience the symptoms of varicose veins, and to the status of a correct diagnosis, or to disprove, the need to refer to the taking, a neurologist, a surgeon.

The procedures for the diagnosis of varicose veins: ultrasound or venography.

Ultrasound imaging of the lower extremity

The treatment of varicose veins

As the points for, explaining, and talking about varicose veins? In this issue, says the doctor, after the diagnosis. After all, it's just a proper diagnosis is improved as a result of the treatment of varicose veins.

In turn, your doctor might assign the following treatment options:

  • the drug treatment of varicose veins (cream, ointment, tablet);
  • the complex set of procedures, depending upon the symptoms and the stage of development of the disease (or the same);
  • treatment is with surgical removal of the dead vein).

The tool of the varicose veins

  • The ointment and cream for varicose veins

They act as a preventive agent, and as an aid in the manner of explaining and talking points of the disease in its early stages. They will help you to:

  • to reduce the pain.
  • to reduce the swelling;
  • to improve the operation of the valve system;
  • to improve the muscle tone of the vascular walls;
  • to restore the normal flow of blood.
  • to prevent the development of complications.
  • Tablets for varicose veins

The pills you have prescribed, in this case, when the location of the disease does not allow to apply the drug topically, or as part of a comprehensive therapy for varicose veins. They will help you to:

  • to improve the muscle tone of the blood vessels;
  • to relieve the inflammation;
  • to accelerate the circulation of blood and flow of lymph;
  • to eliminate the microcirculatory violations.

The procedures for the treatment of varicose veins

The endovenous laser coagulation. The doctor operates on the patient, and the pot of the laser, and the stars will disappear. It is performed under local anesthesia. Over a couple of weeks in the skin are a reminder to perform the procedure. It is used for the explaining and talking points for the varicose veins in the early stages.

Sclerotherapy. The problem of the vein, the syringe of the introduced substances, and is terrified of vienna, it is glued on the inside and can no longer work and the blood starts to to any of of healthy blood. This is not a good fit for everyone. It is required only if the nodes are not too large.

The ozone therapy. The latter is the introduction of a small needle into the lumen of the vessel, and to make your collage. To be able to an effect to only a few procedures. It is applied to remove spider veins.

Phlebectomy. The time of surgery, in the dead of vienna, just remove it. The next day, after the surgery you can go home, but you still need at least a month to wear shoes, or to connect the leg band elastic.

In the treatment of varicose veins, it is recommended to use in the healing of the physical education and the treatment of the fabric.

The medical fitness when you of varicose veins. It can help to ease the burden on the feet to bring the circulation of the blood and to eliminate stagnation of venous blood.

The movement is a life. If You are sedentary, and then try to walk every day. It is also recommended for bike rides and swimming in the sea. And here is the run can adversely affect the condition of your veins and the health of the man.

Some of the examples of the exercises for the legs:

  • sitting in a chair, place your feet with each other, and immerse yourself in the socks, then the heel, then repeat 15 to 20 times.
  • with both hands (at shoulder height), on the wall, making it into the socks, then the heel, then repeat 20 times.
  • in the upright position on the in-breath, raise your hands upwards and rise on socks, when you exhale, you can relax and take in the heel, and repeat 20 times.
  • sitting on the lift above the level of the ground, one at a time, and then the other leg, turn the feet at the ankles in both directions, making smaller circles, then repeat 15 to 20 times.
  • sitting up on the edge of the foot, at the same time, the two legs, and repeat 15 to 20 times.

The therapy of the loop. Wearing such clothes will help to improve the state of the dead, from the veins by compression, which will speed up the circulation of the blood and to eliminate stagnation of venous blood in the vessels. By wearing therapeutic underwear may be considered only as a tool to assist in the complexo da maré, a doctor's treatment.

Your feet healthy

The treatment of varicose veins, the folk media

Important! Before you apply any remedies for varicose veins be sure to consult with your doctor.

The treatment of varicose veins, ready herbal wikipedia

The comment of the expert-phytotherapist treatment based on plants (herbal medicine) it has some wonderful benefits, for example:

  • herbal medicine addresses the root cause of the disease,and
  • the weeds are a minimum number of contra-indications (typically, this is the singularity),
  • herbal treatment with the fewest side-effects,
  • the herbs that have in their composition a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients, which in addition to the points for, explaining, and talking about the illness, and also to contribute to the development of the body in general,
  • the ease of use.

Herbalists will offer ready-made solutions, which have already taken into account in the composition of the particular collection, a dosage of the order, and the t. d.'s Courses are designed by the experts — the doctors, on the basis of his long experience.

The other home remedy against varicose veins

Kalanchoe pefiguratth. The leaves of Kalanchoe pefiguratwow of my own and put it in a glass jar of one liter (the leaves should be one-half of the seats). Pour 70% alcohol and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Before you apply for the usbaltIVAem the bank. Every day, before going to bed, apply a foot, and the forefoot. The pain will be gone after the first application. If the varicose veins first released, and then, to treat 4-month-old.

Apple "Umtqueridosparae". On boiling 1 litre of water, put 3 apples, then cover with a lid and place it in a warm place for 4 hours. Then, without moving the apples, Remalmethte them to mix the solution and strain. To take, by adding up to 1 such as comt. tablespoon of honey, polruki (50 g) in the morning before a meal and at night before going to bed. The tool also cleans your blood, improves your sleep and your appetite.

The sweet potatoes. Clean the 5 in the potatoes and grate on the grater. The resulting puree to rub it in and smear away. After 4 hours the pain was completely carried out, and then rinse the potatoes with warm water.

The flowers of the chestnut. 50 grams of the flowers to fill in 0,5 l of alcohol, and let it sit for 14 days, each day shaking the bottle. Miss a result of the dye through the dragnet and have come to 1 as a comt. teaspoon 3 times a day before meals with water. Treaties of the week, take a break for 2 weeks. Then you say it one more time.

The garlic in the oil. Take out the garlic cloves with the skin and the white RezmeLCIte. In the mix with the two portions of the butter cream. Place the favor of your veins during the night and on the top put the baking paper, and secure the bandage around the hot or a scarf. In the morning, wash, rinse, and put in your feet to something warm and soft.

Prevention of varicose veins

With her bare feet on the grass

As you all know, the disease, it is better to be safe than explaining and talking points. Let's look at some of the rules of life, respect for the that may prevent the development of varicose veins:

  • if You have a sedentary work, take the time-to-time, have a break. You can do this in the workplace, especially in the garden. Try more of walk.
  • if you work standing up, on the contrary, an excessive use of time to spend on leisure activities;
  • to abandon the habit of sitting down to throw the leg over the other, if You have them
  • don't take on things, which is very comdederramandoeYut (for example, in very tight jeans, tights with a tiGOme bands. In general, women are often expressly prohibited from the use of dense, tight, pants, t. to. in this case, you have interrupted the circulation of the blood in the area of genito-urinary system;
  • do not constantly use the tight shoes and shoes with high heels, such shoes are acceptable for rarely – on weekends and holidays);
  • if You have constipation, it is not sure that it is left up to chance, t. to. the prison of the body, it increases the level of pressure in the pelvic circulation;
  • in the excursion;
  • try a whole lot of swimming;
  • during free time, the time-to-time, place your feet in an elevated position (15-20 cm above the heart);
  • you try to do on a regular basis and the load;
  • you can take care of your weight;
  • you reduce the diet of harmful products, and sweets, and eat more fruits and vegetables, and t. e. products that are rich in vitamins;
  • you play with bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • try to take in the wide range of contrast;
  • drink it it comes to at least 2 litres of water a day, it will also keep You from dehydration, but with the meeispReItHNme symptoms;
  • don't overdo the rays of the sun, and a sun terrace.

The doctor's turn to varicose veins?

  • FLeblog.