Varicose veins in the legs: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins in the leg

When the varicose expansion of the veins in the legs the symptoms and treatment are correlated with each other. It is a widely spread disease of the vessels, which is accompanied by the weakening of the valve of the aparata. About the varicose veins I have heard each of them, and the majority of people have no idea of how to extend blood vessels in the legs. But you need to know about the early symptoms of the disease, and the rules for the prevention of the disease.

For that to occur, the

Varicose veins of the lower limbs develops under the influence of a variety of factors. The main reason for the occurrence of the reports of the pathology of:

  • Hereditary predisposition. When the congenital deficiency in the development of the connective tissue will suffer from leakage. They are not able to fulfill its function, that is, to prevent the return current of the blood. As a result of the evolution of the stagnation, and the vessels to dilate and buckle up, you increase the likelihood of blood clot formation.
  • The characteristics of the formation. The over weight leads to increased load on the city. The walls of the blood vessels to become weak, lose their tone and elasticity. The likelihood of developing the disease in people who are overweight has increased by more than 33 per cent.
  • The style of life and the nature of the work. Varicose veins appear for a longer stay in the upright position and the excess of the exercise. Women with an increased use of high-heeled shoes. The causes of varicose veins include the use of a narrow clothing, the t. h. of the capacity, which leads to pressure on the large veins in the groin area, and the commitment of a normal blood circulation in the lower limbs, lack of physical activity, as a worker in the same position.
  • Violation of the hormonal balance. To change the quantity of an estrogen and a gestagénios in the blood of a person who is able to lead to a decrease in the tonus of the blood vessels. Trigger the condition can be application of the time limits for hormonal contraceptives, the use of the drugs during menopause, and Dr.
  • You are pregnant. A growing fetus takes the pressure off of the blood-vessels, development of blood clots in the pelvis and in the legs.

The establishment of the causes of varicose veins, legs, and the elimination of the aid to avoid the progression of the disease and the development of complications.


Varicose veins of the lower extremities can be found in both men and women. It is characterized by the phase-a current, in which the most outstanding are the following types and degrees of varicose veins in the legs:

  • The stages of payment. During this period, the patient's lack of complaint to the deterioration of the your well-being. The initial expressions in one or both legs, in the area of the legs are displayed in the advanced craft.
  • In the stage of subcompensation. They appear with complaints of pain in the legs, feeling of flatulence and cramping. The legs are notehgovernamentais, especially at the end of a hard day's work.
  • In the stage of decompensation. The condition of the patient worsens, if you develop a complication, dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, tRnofeheSKeEu ulcers.

When the varicose veins, the disease classification includes the following varieties:

  • The location of the loss. In the pathological process involved in comeGMenteRnse of the city. The flow value of the flow of the blood is no longer present.
  • ComeGMenteRnnoe loss. It appears as a pathological problem, replace the blood, which are involved in the surface or in the communication of the city.
  • In common with the defeat of veins on the surface when the tide is low. Varicose veins in men, it manifests itself in the defeat of all of the surface that are located in the blood vessels. Most of the time, both legs at the same time.
  • And the involvement in the pathological process in the deep veins.

The types of varicose veins of the lower extremities, according to international classification:

  • A grade of 0. In the absence of the allegations, and, thus, the onset of the disease.
  • Class 1. Appear veins fabric, veins of a spider. The first complaint of the deterioration of the your well-being.
  • Class 2. Under the skin is viewed by dilated blood vessels.
  • Class 3. As a result of the coagulation of the blood appears to have swelling of the ankles and legs.
  • Class 4. In respect of the infringement of a movement to develop the signs of lepnodeRmetnoSKleRnoze.
  • The class 5's. Occurs, loss of the epidermis, the skin will easily tReVMeRyetXia, the evil the cure.
  • Class 6. They are formed of trophic ulcer.

Signs and symptoms

Varicose veins in the legs

The first signs of the like varicose veins the feet of the women, and the emergence of the teleenrenoektazy, or spider veins. Initially, we note that it is extremely hard to do, because they are the only ones, and they can be found most often on the back side of the shinbone or below the knee. After a long stay in the legs, or the use of high-heeled shoes increased the severity and a little swollen. For varicose veins, in women, characterized by rapid fatigue of your feet.

Gradually, the patient's condition is worsening with the symptoms of varicose veins in the expansion of the vessels is visible to the naked eye. The veins to swell, become narrow, winding, and Bugistborbulhar, appear in arms. It decreases the sensitivity of your skin. In the evening, it cannot be ruled out, the occurrence of reports of seizure. The swelling more prominent.

The extent of the arteries leading to the interruption of the circulation of the blood, the tissues that are experiencing a shortage of oxygen and nutrients. Appear trophic violation occurs, the skin becomes smooth, shiny, pale. The signs of varicose veins, the feet of the men, and the swelling does not go even after a long period of time for the holidays. It appears rash, contact dermatitis.

The weight of the heavy, varicose veins symptoms, which include education, healing, tRnofeheSKex ulcers around the ankles. It does run the risk of attaching to a secondary microflora, and the development of infectious-inflammatory process. At the foot of varicose veins is often complicated with the development of the tRnoMBnoflebete — an inflammation of the vascular walls. Where an increase in temperature in the area of tEuWeth, as well as the comybfebReletet.

The diagnosis

Varicose veins is installed, the results from the collection of a medical history and a visual examination of the patient. To round out the stage of the disease, and the prevalence of a disease process, and the characteristics of the circulation of the blood, and the availability of collateral flow, the state of the valve device, it is necessary to examine the patient.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower limbs

When varicose veins of the lower limb it is necessary to do so:

  • On the duplex scan, or ultra-sound angiography. It gives you the opportunity to recover from the image of the blood vessel along its whole length, in order to determine the presence of extensions, and the return of the current of the blood, and the condition of the valves.
  • Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremity with the application of a contrast medium. From varicose veins are veins, venography is needed for establishing the obstruction of superficial and deep blood vessels in the legs. The research is intended, prior to performing a surgical procedure in order to determine the best method and the volume of the transaction.
  • A ct scan or an mri scan with contrast. It allows to obtain a series of images, which is established by the permeability of the blood-vessels, and the degree to which the expansion of the state-of-the-valve unit, in the presence of the collateral, and to Dr.

When the varicose veins, and diseases of the feet it is necessary to carry out laboratory studies in order to assess the transport and rheological properties of blood and other indicators. For this reason, you need to go:

  • A blood test is common. When there is an inflammatory process that increases the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells, thereby increasing the indicators of the white blood cells.
  • Koagulogrammou the test for lupus enreparanoerylEunt and the Dr that Allow you to set a trend in the increase of the tRnoMBnonobReznonoeneYu, the state comnoeRtsnoeYuueth and entecomnoeRtsnoeYuueth in the blood system.

Such as explaining and talking points

Explaining and talking points varicose veins of the men in his feet do you need in a comprehensive manner. The therapeutic regimen is developed, taking into account the stage of the disease, and the prevalence of a disease process, presence of complications and other factors.

The conservative methods for treating varicose veins without any operation of, use of, in the early stages of the disease. With its help, you can stop the progression of the pathology, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the tone and elasticity of your veins, to normalize the flow of blood and prevent the development of stagnant phenomena.

An important role in the treatment of a disease, plays in the implementation of the compression of the knitted fabrics. Special npocompohnpo-hosiery supply to a variable pressure along the entire length of the foot, do not let the stagnation of your blood, supporting your muscles to prevent the development of pulmonary edema. You put them together you will need after a late night of the holiday, without getting out of bed. Mesh-individually adjustable, for man, for each product there is a different degree of compression.

To which the doctor treats varicose veins

Your doctor to have varicose veins in your legs, you must as soon as possible. For this reason, you need to know what is the medical cure for varicose veins. For this reason, in the first place, you should go to your family doctor or a family doctor. After the inspection, the specialist will provide direction for the consultation of a doctor, who treats varicose veins, it is referred to as flebologia. This is a narrow specialist, and the student of diseases of the veins.

If a specialist medical doctor for varicose veins in a clinic or hospital, lack of, in the treatment of all types of disease in vessels that are involved in a angiologist or surgeon.

If it is necessary, for the surgical treatment when the varicose veins in your legs, you should see a doctor since or for in the peripheral the surgeon. At the hospital, the planetarium of the district, and similar problems dealing with the general surgeon.

How to heal a drug

You can treat varicose veins without surgery, it's just in the early stages of the disease. For this reason, it is necessary to use one of the following groups of drugs:

  • Phlebotonics. Influence on the state of the walls and other vascular diseases. To increase the density, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, increases the tone and elasticity, which have no cure, and transport properties. Restore the normal flow of blood through the vessels, stimulates the release of the captives.
  • Of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. Even out of the transport and rheological properties of the blood. Liquefy it, to prevent the formation of blood clots. They are to be used for the prevention of complications.
  • The anti-oxidants. To speed up the elimination of toxins and other components harmful to the human body. A benefit to the state of the hematopoietic system. It's clean, ideal at the base of the ginkgo, a multi-vitamin complex.
  • The Anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to relieve the pain, inflammation, and the severity of the feeling of flatulence, bloating, and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease. Use them to take care of, no more than 10 to 14 days. This is due to the fact that the drugs they have, a material adverse effect on the condition of the digestive system, which is capable of causing a worsening of the ulcer. When the VRV can be used in the form of a solution for intra-muscular injection, tablets, for oral administration, and rectal routes in the republic of south africa.

Points are explaining and talking about varicose veins in need of long-term, and, in a few months. It is mandatory for the reception of phlebotonics in the summer, because of the human body, in the t. of h., and of the blood vessels, it experiences an increase in the work load.

For the effective treatment of varicose veins involves the application of topical ointments and gels for indoor or outdoor use. His need to rub it on the area of pathologically extended, the veins several times a day. The drug activates the micro-circulation, involved in the retrieval of tissues at the cellular level.

How to get rid of the disease with the help of drugs

When the varicose expansion of the veins in the legs, the treatment involves the application of drugs. You can use them as a complement to traditional medical therapy. They will help you to get rid of varicose veins in one of the periods of time to stop the progression of the disease and to improve the well-being of the patient.

Points are explaining and talking about varicose veins in the legs of the female, with the following medications:

  • All of the tomatoes. To do this, you can use the tomato paste at any degree of maturity. Here are some fresh fruit, cut in rings, and attach it with the enhanced blood, and sites are to be established. After some time, in this place, you will be given a little heat, after which the swab should be withdrawn as long as the legs flush. Struggling with varicose veins, in this method, you need at least 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Lemon neteReneEu. Citrus fruits have a tonic action. To carry out the procedure of the cutting, looking down at the slice of lemon and rub it on the skin.
  • The liquor of the nut. For the preparation of a medicinal fruit, is in need of a blender, put it into a glass for storage. Even at half-filling the vodka or diluted alcohol. The packaging of the place in the dark, and cold, periodically stirring. Support for at least 1 month. The medicine should be from 5 to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. Points are explaining and talking about varicose veins in their legs, men of color brown within 2 to 4 months.
  • The apple cider vinegar to 6%. The tool gives tone to the blood vessels and strengthens their walls and contributes to the resolution of the swelling. It is used for rubbing on the skin, on the procedure should you do when your varicose veins on a regular basis over a few weeks.
  • Compression of the Kalanchoe. It helps to clean up the little veins and varicose in the legs of a man. For the preparation of a medication, you must take some of the leaves, in a blender, and pour diluted alcohol. The tool, to insist 7-10 days. Use it to enforce all — work together to share in the cotton cloth, put within the area of the patient to the vessel, from top-to-cover in a plastic bag, UCUtetü and the strength to do it. It is treated with the varicose veins of the long-term, in a couple of weeks. In the procedure, it is advisable to do so in the evening, to the medication there for as long as possible.

Prior to the use of the vernacular in the forms of treatment of varicose veins, it is necessary to bargain with your doctor. Some of the methods that can harm to more of that as well.


You are able to cure varicose veins are the only way through surgery. However, the whole operation comes with some risk, and therefore, it should be used, preferably only when it is expressed in the changes of the vessels. With surgical treatment, you will be able to remove the varicose veins.

When the varicose veins treatment is chosen according to the characteristics of the disease. The main methods are:

  • The removal of the laser. With the help of the zepeenoeYutXia kind of a problem, of vienna, of very small diameter. One of them is stopped, the circulation of the blood, and with the time, energy comRecomteetXia. The peculiarity of the method is that it is exactly the impact that the surrounding tissue is not damaged. The control is carried out by the ultrasound transducer. The procedure is melnotRenometehnnoth, it does not require special training, carried out on an outpatient basis.
  • CparaleRnoteRepeEu. To remove, varicose veins, and into the lumen of the vessel, the introduction of a special substance — comparaleRnozent. The drug causes the melting of vienna, with the subsequent re-absorption. The procedure is carried out for the relief of the pain, its duration does not exceed 30 to 40 minutes. After the manipulation, the patient should take the special knitted compression. CparaleRnoteRepeEu effective against the peripheral stars and cometnohparaeme, teleengeeparatezeEume, and an extended yzlnonoetborbulhar of the blood vessels, as well as the onset of serious illness.
  • Miniphlebectomy. The skin is done the small holes, which are cleaning up the dead from their vessels. The procedure is performed under a local law or a general anaesthetic. MeneflebeparatnomeEu used in the fight with the winding and the faulty vein.

That is a dangerous

A disease of the blood vessels that relate to system conditions. The defeat of the veins of the lower extremity to notice easily, however, the process often spreads to the other ships. It is dangerous to varicose veins in the legs of the women in the first place, you can move on to the pelvic organs. It does run the risk of developing complications during the pregnancy. And, during this time, many of the illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on the application.

It is dangerous to varicose veins in the legs of the men, because they can be spread to the sexual organs, and in particular, to allow the raising of the veins, and seeds paraeneteparae. It does run the risk of the occurrence of reports of male infertility in male.

Other complications of VRV is to increase the likelihood of blood clots, and blockage of the lumen of the blood vessel. It is not possible for the development of the flebete. A dangerous disease, and the education of tRnofehecomparaex ulcers. It is to be an open door for infection, wounds that heal poorly, in connection with, or in violation of the blood supply to the tissues.


The Motor activity for the prevention of varicose veins

To prevent the development of varicose veins disease of the lower extremities, and the need to keep track of the health of young people. The prevention of this disease is more effective in the treatment of the foot and the development of complications.

For you to have a good circulation of the blood, it is necessary to ensure that an activity is a physical one. If a person were to work for a very long time it remains in the same position, should be to regularly do a little exercise. In need of a way to be responsible for the choice of the shoe — it should be a small jump (not more than 6 cm wide), comfortable, does not compress the leg.

The need to keep track of your weigh-in. Being overweight is one of the risk factors for the development of the disease. In addition, it leads to an increase in the stress on the blood vessels. The clothing should be of natural fabrics. You should avoid the use of too-narrow, thick clothing, in order to avoid the danger of injury to the major vessels in the groin area.

At the time of carrying out the sanitation procedures is preferred to use in the shower, the one that gives you the opportunity to move to the head, and the temperature of the water. By using these tricks, you can get the vessel, in order to activate the circulation of the blood.

Preferably every day, to do exercises or engage in sports. It doesn't necessarily go for several miles at one time, enough for the pleasure of going to the swimming pool, go for walks or rides.

Prior to the use of hormonal contraceptives should consult not only a doctor, but to phlebologist, testing for hormones. If a change in the level of female hormones in the blood, and this could adversely affect the state of the blood vessel wall.