A popular massage technique for varicose veins

There is a lot of information about varicose veins. In the world, specialized narrow profile clinics are opened, which serve to combat this pathology. It is not difficult to conclude that if special clinics start to open for the treatment of varicose veins, this means that the problem has become widespread.

Let's try to find out what sequence for varicose veins and whether it can be used to get rid of this pathology.


What is the attitude of experts towards massage in the presence of venous pathology? It should be noted that doctors respond with restraint and relatively caution. There is no massage that can be used to combat varicose veins. And in some cases, massage is completely contraindicated.

Its use is highly recommended for prophylaxis. This is especially true for those at high risk of developing varicose veins.

References!Massage for varicose veins can help in that condition, and it can make it worse. You can only trust your feet to an experienced, professional massage therapist in his field.

Types of massage for varicose veins on the legs

If varicose veins are diagnosed, then massage is considered to be one of the most popular and well -known treatment methods. In practice, there are several types of massage, each of which aims to stimulate blood circulation in the legs. It is recommended to contact a specialist trained in all the complexities of dealing with this disease.

Massage courses allow you to:

  1. Overcome swelling, cramps and numbness.
  2. Relieves tension in the legs.
  3. Improves vascular tone.
  4. Normalizes blood flow.

The most well -known and effective types of massage will be explained below. Thanks to them, it is possible to normalize blood flow in the lower legs, reduce pain, as well as discomfort in the legs.

In cans

With this type of sequence, the effect on the vessels is done through irritation of the skin with emptiness. Cupping massage allows you to improve muscle tone, increase muscle elasticity, they begin to contract strongly, as a result, blood circulation is normalized.

Massage helps relieve pain, relieve congestion, and normalize metabolic processes in tissues. Small bleeding spots may appear on the skin - this is normal.

The duration of treatment, as well as the place where the bank will be used, is determined by the attending physician individually.

Such a bank can be installed in 2 ways:

  • The skin is softened using jelly or petroleum cream, jars with bright cotton wool are installed.
  • They use a vacuum device, consisting of cans and balloons, that allows you to create a vacuum.
cupping massage for varicose veins

During the procedure, the patient can be in a lying or sitting position. Session duration is 10-15 minutes. When the can is removed, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream, and the patient is covered with a woolen blanket.

Important!This sequence is prohibited for patients diagnosed with heart disease and high blood pressure.

Massage yourself

This type of massage is only allowed in the early stages of the disease. If the disease has already begun, then self -massage is strictly prohibited.

The technique of massaging it is easy. You can do it at home or during a break at work.

The patient sits on a couch, with one foot on the floor and the other extended. The massage begins by rubbing the thighs upwards from the knees. Then you can start kneading the skin. The surface of the thighs should be massaged and squeezed with your fingers until the skin begins to redden and a pleasant warmth appears. Next, you must shake your legs a few times.

At work, at lunch, you can also observe the lower part of the foot and massage it for 5 minutes.


Hydromassage is a foot massage not with jerks, but with smooth movements using a jet of water with a pleasant temperature, prepared under high pressure.

This type of massage can be done using a special hydromassage (bath), or at home using a regular shower. Very useful are procedures with different water temperatures, when the hot jets are replaced by cold ones.

The purpose of hydromassage for varicose veins is to obtain a uniform redness of the skin of the feet by rubbing the thighs and feet with a jet of water supplied under high pressure.


To prevent the progression of the disease, as well as to effectively shorten the recovery period, the doctor can give a manual medical massage. Before starting the session, you need to prepare the procedure. To do this, the following suggestions will help you:

  • before the start of the massage, you need to let your feet rest: lie down for 10 minutes, it is recommended to put your feet on the hill;
  • it is better to do a massage in the morning, after undergoing exercise therapy. This will increase the results significantly;
  • during treatment, the patient should be comfortable (he should not be accompanied by unpleasant / painful sensations);
  • if there are contraindications, the session should be canceled.

The method of massage is chosen by the doctor taking into account several factors: the degree of venous damage, the location of varicose veins, and only after the diagnosis of the patient.

The following techniques can be used for medical massage:

  • rubbing the skin of the sheath continuously, as well as the nature of the plane;
  • leg tremors and muscle rubbing;
  • a little tingling.

During the session, the patient is in a supine position, legs bent at the knees. It can also lie on its stomach with its legs outstretched. In areas where there are problems, tingling and strong skin clapping are not allowed.

Anti cellulite

When massage is seen as a method of combating cellulite, it is difficult to choose one technique. For medical workers, anti -cellulite massage courses are also taught honey, vacuum massage, percussion, and even lymphatic drainage techniques.

Anti -cellulite massage for varicose veins using pressure, pressure or blow is strictly prohibited. Doctors can allow lymphatic drainage if done during complex treatment.

anti cellulite massage for varicose veins

Lymphatic massage directly affects the affected area. Thanks to the procedure, you can normalize blood circulation, stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

References!Lymphatic drainage procedures for varicose veins should be performed under the close supervision of a doctor: only he can properly assess the required load in each case.

Massage with honey for varicose veins is not recommended, as it sometimes causes additional pain.


Often, in the fight against pathology, they use proven methods of Tibetan medicine. An example is the procedure "Guasha", which consists of a massage using a special plate. The plate is made of buffalo horn or a special stone, which has been soaked with a mixture of essential oils and certain ingredients from Tibet.

References!"Guasha" literally translates "scraping" on the patient’s body. During the session, the body relaxes, the pain due to the manifestations of varicose veins is reduced, toxins are effectively removed from the skin.

To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, certain rules must be followed (for example, do not swim for 1 - 3 days). After the session, the effect remains on the skin, similar to a massage after cupping.


To prevent the development of varicose veins, LPG therapy with apparatus can be used. Thanks to its use, you can achieve:

  1. Reduces the load on the veins.
  2. Increases tissue elasticity.
  3. Normalization of blood flow.

LPG massage has contraindications for varicose veins: this procedure can not be prescribed at the stage of severe disease. Only the initial and 2nd stages allow the use of this method of treatment.

hardware massage for varicose veins

Contraindications to massage with varicose veins

Massage with this pathology is not always acceptable. There are a large number of contraindications where session appointments are unacceptable. Here are the reasons to postpone a visit to a massage therapist:

  • thrombophlebitis / thrombosis of the foot canal;
  • ARVI;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • contagious disease.

You must adhere to the recommendations and instructions of the doctor for the use of certain types of massage.

At the first signs of the disease, or if you are at high risk of developing varicose veins, it is recommended to undergo a massage session for prevention. Spot treatment makes it possible at an early stage to overcome the disease completely and prevents the fact that varicose veins only need to be treated with the help of surgery.