How to treat quam swelling of the veins in the legs

Spider veins, bulging swollen nodosos vienna – as it apparently seems to quam swelling know, probably, everything. Therefore, to talk about the fact that, during the disease occurs within the veins.

When quam swelling elasticity of the veins is reduced, and, as a result, they expand. Within the veins are kind of shock absorber, which regulate the blood flow, which comes to the heart of the lower limbs. If these "doors" are working correctly, the problem does not occur. In the case of the emergence of irregularities in its functioning and evolution quam swelling. The valves will not close, preventing the circulation of the blood to the heart, resulting in it stagnating in the veins. Naturally increases the pressure that pushes blood from the deep thick veins, more thin, more close to the skin, vessels. The system of these veins is not facing the nodular such quantities of blood as a result of its wall is not only being stretched, but still and disintegrate.

The consequence of this process become visible on the skin spider veins, which by itself represent an aesthetic problem. The disease progresses, fine, medium, of vienna, have become ever more pronounced, they acquire the characteristic blue color, to thicken, and soon they will appear nodules.

The causes quam swelling

There are a number of factors, sometimes, increase the likelihood that a given person to suffer from quam swelling:

  • The genetic inheritance of your parents or grandparents that have quam swelling, the descendant can "take" from vienna, with special reference (weakness of connective tissue, the imperfections of valves and т. д.); and then, without a compliance with preventive measures, probably, necessarily, sooner or later become a patient with a diagnosis of "quam swelling in the legs".
  • The hormonal fluctuations – most often they are affected by women, in the menopause, menstruation, pregnancy and т. д.), what explains the apparent sexual, the selectivity of the disease; in addition, the risk of occurrence of quam increases the swelling and for the treatment of hormonal drugs – it is scientifically proven that the female sex hormones and their substitutes reduces the elasticity venous wall.
  • Nerve disorders, stress, depression, all of which reduce the tonus of the veins, т. к. the elasticity of their walls is regulated is nerve endings.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (which, again, more common in women) – these processes can not only cause гормональному imbalance, but are also able to damage the smaller of vienna.
  • The lack of physical activity in a person's life is the result of a long-seats of vienna provocative, interrupted blood circulation, gradually decreases the tone of the venous walls, and, finally, the blood begins to stagnate, and occurs quam swelling (today the doctors appeared even a special term – computer quam swelling, so great is the number of patients, the cause of the disease that became sedentary and the work by the flickering of the monitor).
  • Excessive exercise – can be attributed, weight lifting, excess weight, pregnancy, work, associated with a long-quam swelling; as a result, increases the pressure in the veins, which threatens the appearance quam swelling.
  • Flat feet.
  • The habit of always and everywhere "bear" wrong high heels.
  • Constipation, which increases pressure in the abdomen.
  • Injury and diseases.
  • Gender – as mentioned above, the risk of developing quam swelling in women above.
  • The construction of the body – usually, quam swelling suffer the most are the people that the growth above the average.

The symptoms quam swelling in the legs

Semiology quam swelling characterized by the gradual progression. Signals are detected immediately, in the first stage of the disease that manifests itself through:

varicose veins of the feet</1_img> swelling of the feet, especially after a long find on the seats or стоячем position, which, as a rule, the auto-spend the morning – the first sign that deep of vienna's poor cope with their responsibilities;
  • cramps and numbness in the legs, especially, many times this symptom manifests itself more in the evening and the morning;
  • the feeling of gravity, burning, itching and pain in the legs, especially the characteristic of the second half of the day;
  • the first visible signs – a characteristic of the red-blue spider veins and stars, well visible on the skin.

When the first alarm signals must not delay a visit to the doctor. As is well known, from any disease well most treatable, in the early stages. If the symptoms were ignored and the patient does not view its sufficient basis for the qualified treatment can be obtained by means of, in the future, waiting for signs such as:

  • seal and darkening of the skin of the leg: when you do this, it will appear stains and peeling;
  • vienna become painful when the imperium indigentiam;
  • express muscle pain, the intensity of which increases during walking;
  • the emergence of the lecturers on the skin of the legs and stop the venous of us.

If competent treatment will not be assigned and, at this stage, the patient is, inevitably, waiting to serious complications, which will be discussed later.

When you search for a doctor?

There are signs, the appearance of which is an absolute indication for urgent treatment your doctor. Refers to it:

  • a feeling of weakness in conjunction with traiecto and the feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • the intense acute pain in the leg, with the purpose of compacted, you may receive a burning sensation;
  • the beginning of the tractus is cause for concern and distrust of the phase.

As is put the diagnosis?

An accurate diagnosis can put only a doctor – флеболог or vascular surgeon. Consult a specialist is desirable when the first alarm signals of the body. Of course, the first investigation procedures are the inspection and consultation of the patient. Then, for the purpose of confirming the diagnosis and to obtain the maximum information about the nature and severity of the disease, may be required the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound vein – in the process of this research, not only reveals the presence of quam swelling, but they are still made conclusions about the direction of the bloodstream, presence of blood clots and tumors, it is estimated irradiet, blood vessels;
  • high contrast: intravaginales – it is very accurate and informative method of research, based on which you receive the opportunity to fully evaluate the state of the veins; it is carried out the search through the introduction in the human body contrast media окрашивающего blood.
Both methods are used interchangeably. Because of the smaller инвазивности recently, the preference is to ultrasound the vein. Ultrasound vein</2_img>

That is dangerous quam swelling?

About quam swelling there is an aphorism created by "Disease, проявляющаяся in the legs, and a shot in the heart". In fact, this disease is not simply a question of aesthetics, доставляющая problems and reduces the quality of life. In the absence of skilled medical assistance quam swelling filled with serious complications, even death.

Then, the consequences of quam swelling in the legs can be:
  • thrombophlebitis – the disease is accompanied by the evolution of inflammatory processes in the affected veins;
  • bleeding;
  • violation of nutrition of tissues;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • the increase in the quam swelling – dangerous not only for health, but for the life complication.

It is worth to say about the so common "companion" quam swelling in the legs, as трофическая ulcer. The cause of its appearance serves as a constant venous insufficiency, and increased pressure in the veins. Such wounds, as a rule, time will heal, they are very difficult to treat and may limit the ability to work the patient and even lead to its инвалидизации. The swelling, the agony of the pain, and even the smell – all this makes the life of a patient very serious. The occurrence of трофических ulcers you suffer quam swelling of a person contribute to the same minor injuries and injuries, that it is simply impossible to avoid. In fact, sometimes (in rare cases), these injuries перерождаются in a malignant tumor.

The treatment quam swelling in the legs

The treatment quam swelling in the legs mainly depends on the stage of development of the disease. It is, in the initial stages of the disease, when it has not yet announced complications and irreversible processes, is typically used a conservative treatment, т. е. treatment without surgery, which may include the following procedures:

  • Medical therapy if this is how on the pills (venarum, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants), and about the tools, т. е. all types of angioprotective.
  • Compression treatment – wearing special antiexudativ half, or, as an option, a multivitamin feet elastic bandage.
  • ovarii – is carried out with a device ovarii, activates the circulation of blood, improves the трофику tissue and, as a result, the unpleasant symptoms quam swelling decrease and disappear.
  • Склеротерапия – applies, in this case, when, without the removal of the dead vein can not do. Is performed without a surgical scalpel, is injected into a vein special amputetur bloodstream medicine, resulting in a vessel gradually атрофируется and disappears. This does not happen quickly, within a year you may not need a session, but the effect of sclerotherapy worth.
  • adurere, laser coagulation – one of the most modern methods, is performed under local anesthesia, the result is already possible to assess through a month.
  • Leeches – this is one of the non-conventional methods of treatment of quam swelling in the legs is based on the special as leeches – if exaruit of the skin of the patient and, subsequently, phlebologist they produce the blood of a substance ; however, today it is possible to do without the leeches – on the shelves of pharmacies there are many medications that contain this tool.

Prevention quam swelling of varicose veins

Special attention to the prevention quam swelling in the legs need to give to the people in the risk groups: those whose relatives suffer from this disease, representatives of certain professions (teachers, hairdressers, and т. д.), people with excess weight, pregnant women and т. д.

In the first place, the need to lead an active life. Playing sports (swimming, bicycle), prefer hiking "stand-up" trips in public transport, the climb up to the floor of the stairs and not the elevator and т. д.

Even though the profession is forced to spend a lot of time in the seats or стоячем position, it is worth to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • When the duty to stand up better over time with your legs crossed, waving the toes of the feet.
  • Office workers, carrying out day behind a computer screen, periodically, put your feet on the table – in such a situation is vastly improving the output of blood from the veins of the lower limbs.
  • A small support for the feet is able to reduce the dangerous pressure; in addition it is very convenient for a long time to sit down to perform basic exercises.
  • Нехитрое exercise, which consists of a journal of the ascension of the toes, contributes to the tension of the muscles of the legs and improves the flow of blood to the top.
  • At least once in the time of 5 to 10 minutes is needed to break up with a chair and a little crumpled.

Mesh compression is used not only for the treatment of quam swelling, but also for its prevention. Thus, for example, if the person in a kind of suffer this disease, during pregnancy, travel and long trips by bus or train, in the process of training is it better to use socks or wrap the feet in elastic bandage.

If the same problem has already said about himself in the lightest degree, it is necessary to avoid the following:

  • taking oral contraceptives (contain hormones capable of making the situation worse);
  • wear high-heeled shoes;
  • excess weight and obesity;
  • salty foods, fatty and tasty dishes;
  • transport heavy bags and suitcases (now it is very popular luggage on wheels);
  • wax;
  • hot lengthy baths;
  • saunas and baths;
  • the abuse of alcohol, smoking;
  • the self-medication.