Exercises for the legs when varicose veins after the operation.

Immediately, after the operation, you can start to make exercises more simple, when you are in the prone position – rotate it and fold tarsus joints , follow the movement, mimicking a ride on his bike. After you will be allowed to get out of bed, start walking is the best way to restore and improve the venous blood circulation. The duration of the tour fit in accordance with their sensations, expand it gradually.

As only occurs the sensation of weight in the legs and calves, you should take discumbentes position. If you are not able to raise the foot of the bed, the underlay under the foot-rest – they should not be horizontal. In the first 1-1,5 months after the surgery stick delicate, avoid loads, but gradually increase them after a few months of driving normal, family life.

Care with the seams, and nutrition

Give the seams to strengthen and cicatrice orta est, so that they do not squallentes your feet. In the first few weeks, wash your feet just warm water and do not use sponges and brushes. Delete six-months visit of the baths and saunas. If in the healing of sutures start scratching – lubricate it with iodine , this will help relieve the itching and speed healing.

If you have excess weight, the need to reset it, is more pressure on the legs and the veins. Comply with a special diet, which you should not drink carrot juice, it promotes the coagulation of the blood . And here is the cherry, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grenades, blood разжижают, so do not hesitate to include in your diet. In the initial period, after consultation with the doctor, you can apply медикаментозные tools, medicines to thin the blood and prevent the formation of clots.

The operation, in quam swelling is a complex process that requires preparation and a long recovery period.

For the rehabilitation period has passed with success and without complications, it is important to observe attentively the prescriptions of your physician, adhere to a balanced diet and completely eliminate all bad habits.

The operation, in quam swelling or phlebectomy performed with the impossibility of conservative treatment. Radical intervention is required to the risk of thrombosis, strong, Superb, трофических sick, irreversible changes of the blood vessels.

The varicose veins surgery</1_img>

The operation, in quam swelling is performed under general or local anesthesia in the hospital, it does not take more than 2.5 hours. More long is the recovery period. How secure it will be done, depends on even more the health of the patient.

With modern minimally invasive techniques (for example, склеротерапии) hospitalization is not required. The procedure is performed in the outpatient setting, through to 3 hours after the patient can go home.

However, the recovery period is necessary and in the case of non-traumatica techniques. The non-compliance of the sport and poor nutrition can cause a relapse of the disease.

Rehabilitation period after surgery for quam swelling is aimed at the prevention of complications, often occur after the procedure.

To the unpleasant effects after the operation in quam swelling varicose veins are:
  • the sensation of pain and heaviness in the legs;
  • the development of suitable swelling, and the defeat of new veins;
  • numbness in the extremities, reducing the sensitivity of the skin;
  • bleeding and suppuration in the areas of removal of the veins.

After a surgery in quam swelling the patient stays in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. The doctor monitors the patient, when necessary, assigns painkillers. In the purposes of prevention applied tenui sanguine, and decongestants, medicines.


In the period of rehabilitation after a surgery in quam swelling patient needs to mesh compression : leggings, stockings or socks. If the legs become swollen and pick up the product with the desired size is not possible, use an elastic bandage.

It is overlapped from the foot to the knee, and with the strength to continue around the foot, not сдавливая them. Bandages need to use throughout the rehabilitation period, they change daily, and pain are processed chlorhexidine or other disinfecting drugs.

After the removal quam swelling of the veins, it is necessary to rest, however, the complete immobility to save not necessarily. The patient can move his feet, spin, make a rotating movement of the feet, bend the knees.

This mini-gym in the period of rehabilitation after a surgery in quam swelling, improves blood circulation, promotes the reflux of the lymph and the prevention of edema.

When can the patient get out of bed, the need to increase physical activity. You can walk by the camera, doing gym with lifting and lowering direct or bent feet.

They are especially useful in the postoperative period when quam swelling exercises on the floor:
  • the imitation of cycling;
  • the elevation of the knees to your chest;
  • retraction of the abdominal wall.
Such movements not only improve the blood circulation, but also warn of constipation, which are dangerous if quam swelling.

In the rehabilitation period special attention should provide places, where they performed the operation. The seams are formed of 2-3 months, the same amount of time it will take the scars.

The diet in the period of rehabilitation after a surgery in quam swelling should be balanced and diversified, fully eliminating products-provoking. On the first night after the surgery, the patient offer semi-liquid cereal in water, soups in vegetabilis; the broth steam meat croquettes, white bird, non-greasy fish, vegetables, stews. After the end of the set mode menu you can expand.

Important! Avoid excesses. The excess weight when quam swelling is not valid, the maximum nutrition from the diet – 2,500 kilocalories per day (for men with moderate physical activity).

During rehabilitation after a surgery in quam swelling is very important in the scheme of drink.
  • in the menu, it is worth including animal jam and fructus bit), rich in vitamin c and potassium;
  • instead of coffee is consumed green or herbal tea;
  • the et operated quam swelling affect positively juices pyropis, cherry, currant, orange, tangerine, grapefruit. They enrich the body with vitamins, LASCIVIBUNDUS, contribute to разжижению blood.

After a surgery in quam swelling of the diet, you must delete plates, causing thrombosis, swelling, reduce the blood circulation. This category includes a variety of копчености and canned food that contain larger amounts of salt and preservatives, sauces and seasonings, meat fat, solid vegetable fats, industrial, candy and soft drinks.

In the period of rehabilitation after the surgery absolutely excluded, the alcohol, preferably to give up smoking. The ethanol (alcohol and nicotine, accelerate the process of deformation of the blood vessels, and can cause thrombosis.


Rehabilitation period after surgery for quam swelling – the possibility of dedicating a special attention to your health. Proper diet, observance of rules of hygiene, a reasonable amount of physical exercise, the exception causing factors help to recover as quickly as possible and to avoid unpleasant complications.