Properly treat varicose veins in legs of women


Pain in the legs, discomfort, muscle in the calf, gravity – all these symptoms very unpleasant disease. Most often, it appears the disease of the foot along the beautiful sex in the adult age. But lately swollen veins and vessels appear young and middle-aged men. Therefore, it is important to the possession of information, how to treat varicose veins in the legs of women.

Why are vienna — causes

Many times the problems with the veins in the legs have a character hereditary. In this case, you should begin to undertake prevention activities as early as possible. But, more often, causes the appearance of this disease, associated diseases, hormonal changes, unhealthy habits.

Diet irregular, by the enthusiasm that is excessive and harmful, oily food, junk food causes an increase in the level of cholesterol harmful. And a love of fast carbs causing jumps of level of glucose in the blood.

Among other reasons for varicose veins women, we can highlight:

  • hormonal changes related to the adolescent and climacteric rearrangements, pregnancy;
  • the work, suggesting a long-sitting or standing, constant load on the feet.
  • lack of physical exercise, the passive life-style, excess weight.

Long steady state at any position causes the stagnation of blood circulation. To avoid this problem, it is periodically necessary to do an exercise, change the position of the body.

Important! Cute, but narrow and uncomfortable bed narrow and high-heeled shoes can also lead to the formation of varicose veins.

How to recognize the disease — symptoms

Many women lose the initial phase of the disease, allowing the discomfort in the inconvenience of shoes, fatigue, hot weather. But when varicose veins important not to start the disease and initiate timely treatment.

Signs of varicose veins for women:

varicose veins in women
  • often begin to swell the feet, legs, swelling can affect each leg separately;
  • in the calves, at night, occurs unbearable burning, the muscles were bursting from the inside out;
  • standing, you receive a small mesh, on dark skin see more difficult;
  • pigmentation, vascular asterisk affect the lower departments of the feet;
  • during sleep begin to disturb seizures;
  • the veins become very evident, when the pressure occurs pain.

Also the disease is accompanied by a long healing bruises and abrasions. The skin in the calves acquires a more dense structure, glitters, may exhibit hair loss in a certain area.

Physical activities and long-term and standing strengthens the manifestation of unpleasant sensations. Consult a doctor, who treats varicose veins should be by the manifestation of two or more signals.

Important! Varicose veins is not just a question of aesthetics, but also very dangerous disease. The poor permeability of the veins leads to the formation of blood clots. And it is always a great risk of sudden death.

Only on the feet can be a problem with the veins?

Varicose veins extension can reach not only the lower limbs. The problem can occur in any place, where loose vessels.

Varicose veins of the pelvic floor muscles and the ovarian

Varicose veins of the pelvic floor in women – many times, this type of disease is, in pregnancy, in adolescence and during the menopause. In adolescents, the disease passes asymptomatically, can only increase the number of vaginal discharge. The disease can affect the ovaries, the lips, the uterus.

In adulthood, the disease manifests with pain in the lower part of the department of the stomach, which intensifies over is in the vertical position. Given the pain in the groin or the lower back.

varicose veins pelvic

Cause the disease can be some medicines hormonal contraceptives. Frequent interruption of sexual intercourse, multiple childbirth, sexual dysfunction can increase the risk of developing the disease.

Varicose veins of the ovaries and the pelvic floor usually accompanied by clearly pronounced in the period pre-menstrual syndrome.

Other symptoms:

  • the vagina becomes painful and sensitive;
  • frequent, abundant selection.
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • the discomfort in the groin;
  • problems with urination.

Varicose veins of the uterus

Varicose veins of the uterus by symptoms reminiscent of many gynecological diseases. For this reason, it is often attributed to an inadequate treatment. Also it is remarkable this disease and varicose veins of the pelvis, though escape both diseases can also.

The pain of varicose veins of the uterus more intense and long lasting, often results in an inability to work. The disease is accompanied by pain during sex. The menstrual cycle increases up to 50 days, the secretion that become scarce.

Important! Varicose veins of the womb practically, it is not common among teenagers, it affects women in the reproductive age.

The cause of this varicose veins can be frequent abortion, childbirth, prolonged and long-term gynecological inflammation.

Varicose veins in pregnancy

varicose veins in pregnancy

A lot of attention should be given to the varicose veins during the pregnancy. The women in the state are located in the high-risk zone. More frequently during this period occurs varicose veins in the groin women and varicose veins the lips. Diseases of the veins affect every third woman.

The reason varicose veins is bad the output of blood, especially in the last pregnancy. This is related to the increase of the pressure within the peritoneum, the increase of the belly leads to per obsessio of blood vessels.

Pregnancy changes the hormones of the woman. The increase of the contents of some hormones in the body leads to stagnation of blood, the walls of the vessels are stretched.

As the problems may disappear after the advent of the child. But if there is a genetic predisposition and other adverse factors of the disease can progress in the future.

Important! To prevent the development of varicose veins buy a mesh compression and bandage, and to use them the last quarter.

The consequences of the disease

Ignoring the disease can lead to severe complications and many of which belong to the disease. That is dangerous varicose veins in the legs of women? It is interesting to know that varicose veins for the male is different from female diseases of the veins.

  1. Begins venous insufficiency in the affected areas. And to finish everything can gangrene and the removal of the dead tissues.
  2. Varicose veins often develops in thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, begins education trophic ulcers.

Drug treatment

The use of medicines helps to improve the state of the vessels and valves, helps to eliminate inflammation, normalize the movement of blood and lymph. All medications are prescribed by a doctor-phlebologist.


The therapy includes tools for external use, ointments for varicose veins and tablets to help you overcome the disease from the inside to the outside.

All the medicines for the treatment of varicose veins are divided into the following groups:

  • phlebotonics are called to solve the bloating, cramps;
  • analgesics nonsteroid source;
  • medicines that contain aspirin;
  • resources for the resolution of thrombosis – liquefy the blood, are good preventative means, you can use in pregnant women.

In addition, can be prescribed medications that contain vitamin E.

Some medicines are released in the form of gels and capsules. Such drugs have a wide range of activities, that make easier the treatment.

Important! Resolve sites when varicose veins with the help of drugs is not possible. For this, it is necessary the intervention of the operating of nature.

Alternative methods of treatment and home remedies

For the treatment of venous diseases at home, you can enjoy great natural wealth. Home remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, do not give so fast, as an effect of the remedies. But the home treatment of recipes absolutely innocuous, and available.

Apple cider vinegar

The effectiveness of the treatment varicose veins the apple cider vinegar is recognized even by doctors. The composition of this tool has the highest content of iron, potassium, fiber and amino acids. Special value to the vinegar Apple gives hydrochloric acid – this ingredient contain rare plants and products.

Apple cider vinegar can be taken orally. To do this you have to mix 30 ml of apple cider vinegar with 5 ml of honey. The tool is taken before breakfast and before going to bed.

For external use:

  • affected area lubrication vinegar two times per day;
  • compress – natural thin fabric moistened in vinegar, attach the acted veins, top carefully wrap. Standing, lifting, staying in position of at least 20 minutes;
  • in the bath to produce 550 ml of vinegar, put the foot in 5 minutes. After the end of water of the procedure members up and give them naturally dry. You can acetic acid water, just get your feet wet.

Not the least efficient herbal treatment.

estimation methods


You need to:

  1. Grind into powder and 25 g of the herb artemisia.
  2. Dilute the sour milk to a state of low-fat sour cream.
  3. Pour boiling hot water 3 apple (best antonoika), leave for 3 hours.
  4. To make a puree.
  5. Bandage to saturate the absinthe to the mix, to make lotion in a half hour.
  6. After you finish eating 50 grams of apple sauce.

Repeat the procedure two times per day. The duration of treatment to 5 days. Repeat the course after five days of rest.


Stretch the 20 grams of nettle, pour 170 ml boiling water. In 55 minutes, strain the broth, divided in 3 equal portions, what you should drink throughout the day.

The beginning of ointment against varicose veins

Chop the garlic in a shell (teeth with blue bark unnecessarily sharp). 1 part garlic pulp add 2 parts of house of butter.

Remedy should be applied in varicose homes. After dead space wind of baking paper and bandages. In the morning, the tool should immediately wash the dress in warm socks.

All of the methods and means of treatment the varicose veins will be useless without measures of prevention. Swimming, gym, comfortable clothes and shoes, not harmful excesses and help you to acquire easy riding, healthy vienna.