The treatment of varicose veins folk media

the treatment of varicose veins green tomatoes

Effective treatment for varicose veins is the nutmeg. Knead several nutmeg nuts in a coffee grinder, a teaspoon of the powder resulting pour a glass of boiling water. Then put 1 teaspoon of honey, carefully, and insist half an hour. You can also just drink the water without wiggling in the water.

This infusion must drink one hour before breakfast and another cup after 2 hours, but not necessarily. The treatment needs to continue throughout the year, however, is the visible result you will see in just 30 days.

Nutmeg provides an analgesic effect and prevents stagnation of the phenomenon (improves blood flow). In addition, this walnut contributes to the recovery of the tissue skin (this helps speed up the healing of trophic ulcers, the follow-up of disease varicose).

Attention! Nutmeg-toxic! The use of more than 50 to 100 grams sometimes, it can be fatal! Recommended dosage of 3-5 grams or 1 teaspoon (without the roller-coaster!).

The treatment of varicose veins green tomatoes

The recipe is the following. Simply join the sick veins slices of tomatoes, the best green. With the arrival of the warm weather of the year, the veins in the legs usually start to hurt even more strong and the swell still more. At this moment need to apply before bedtime, tomatoes, associating them, and in the morning to shoot. It is recommended to make compresses during the entire year. Bulges visibly become smaller and more soft, after a year and not pass.

What is the secret? There is a consensus that the whole secret of this recipe is in the lycopene - a strong antioxidant, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke (up to 34% daily of the abuse of a tomato red), improving the elasticity of the blood vessels and protecting them against free radicals.

In addition, it protects low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) in the blood from oxidation. And the oxidation of cholesterol is the reason for the occurrence of plaques atherosclerotic and clogging of the arteries, or is, the development of atherosclerosis. Lycopene increases the elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels and protects them against the formation of blood clots, reduces blood pressure.

The use of lycopene for the health of the heart and of the vessels was confirmed on several occasions, including the results of seven years of research, published in 2003. On your research material, almost 40 thousand women it was found that an increased intake of lycopene significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As well as the record content of lycopene is the tomato pasta, it is recommended to apply exactly-in the form of compresses, not just the tomatoes. In addition, the daily intake of tomatoes or, better still, a bit of tomato posts in food, you will heal the sick, and vessels from the inside to the outside.

The treatment of varicose veins of the seeds of datura

the treatment of varicose veins of the seeds of datura

For the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack, neuralgia, neurasthenia, pertussis, korea, epilepsy, numbness of the limbs, apply the tincture of the seeds of datura.

Attention! The seeds of poisonous plants. They contain alkaloids, the main of which are atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine.

Preparation of dyes. Enter the seeds of datura normal to the stack (about 80-100 grams), in a coffee grinder, finely chop them and place 500 grams of vodka (40 degrees). Place it in a dark place for 2 weeks, not forgetting to wave it daily the dye. Store it also should be in a cool, dark place.

Treatment. Begin the feather treatment varicose veins with a low dosage of 15 drops in half a glass of water, a half hour before the meal, 1 time a day. Each day increase the dose to 1 to 2 drops until I reached 25 drops. This dosage should be consumed within a month.

! There are patients who do not tolerate the novocain group them the treatment should start with one drop. If you have pain, just reduce the dosage of panic before the time is not worth it.

The compresses. In addition, you need to make compresses on the patient's foot. Dosage charge the same, how do you eat in the morning - as much as drops in half a glass of water. In this water, moisten a cotton pad, apply your for the patients veins, top of polyethylene, and secure it to the bandage.

To avoid an overdose, as well as the square of the compresses in different patients, you need to listen to your body. As only feel an overdose, while it is felt the sensation of drunkenness, drink more milk and water, and on the day following the treatment begins with a dose of 2 to 4 drops. When the treatment does not increase the dose.

Treatment varicose veins exercises Mikulina

Quite an exercise effective for cleaning vessels, are exercises Mikulina. Need to embark on socks, lifting the heel of 1 inch of the ground, and after sharply to land on the heel. Repeat the exercise 30-50 times. The exercise is not done quickly, in silent mode. It is advisable to repeat this exercise 3-5 times per day. It's not worth doing more than 60 courses.

How it works this exercise? Exercise Mikulina helps to unblock, strengthen the blood vessels, giving the blood the impetus to move forward. With the impact of the heel with the ground runs the venous blood to the heart.

Similar recommendations are found in the special medical literature. The truth, the logic that there is another one: since in such exercises tighten the muscles of the leg, the blood squeezed out of them up in your veins.

Liqueur of varicose veins

After three courses, you will notice an improvement. For the preparation of tinctures, flowers of the chestnut(50 grams), you need to pour in 500 grams of alcohol, after giving insists of 14 days, each day shaking the bottle. Miss dye through fishnet and drink a spoon of soup, washed down with water, three times a day before meals. After a week of treatment, make a break of two weeks. Then, the treatment can start again.

Juices in the treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins vegetables, juices gives good results with regular use. Juices are digested within a period of ten minutes, feeding the body minerals, trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, contribute to blood formation and prevent the formation of clots.

Popular juice a mixture of:

  • Carrot juice and leaves of spinach, taken in a ratio of 10 to 6. Carrot juice is rich in trace elements and bioflavonoids, the most famous of which - flavonóide routine - enters in the composition of many medicines to fight fragility of the capillaries. Therefore, the daily consumption of carrot juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes the prevention of varicose veins. The juice of leaves of spinach is rich in oxalic acid, which not only cleans the blood vessels and prevents the formation of lime deposits in its walls, but and normalizes them to the contractility function. Therefore, the juice of spinach daily use prevents the development of hypertension, feeds on the blood of vitamins-antioxidants A and C, purifies the vessels. Celery also promotes the cleaning of vessels, stimulates the processes of lipolysis and displays the body of toxins and excess fluid. All three components juice compounds have a global effect on the cardiovascular system and the body in general, and together show a high effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

  • A mixture of juice of three vegetables: carrot, spinach and beets in the ratio of 10:3:3. This juice fills the stock of micronutrients in the body, stabilizes blood pressure and helps eliminate the excess fluid, relieve the swelling. Beet stimulates the processes of hematopoietic, improving the synthesis of red blood cells in the blood, increases the level of hemoglobin and the prevention anemic state.

  • Carrot juice, stalks of celery, leaves of spinach and parsley, taken in a ratio of 7:4:3:2. Parsley helps to strengthen vessel walls by preventing the break down of capillaries and protects the vessels of the thinning and damage, the celery has detoxicating properties, displays the body of toxins and excess fluid. This juice blend not only strengthens the blood vessels, but also facilitates the cleaning of calcium deposits, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

  • The juice of leaves of spinach, the root-the culture and vegetation of the turnip, and watercress lettuce in a ratio of 4:2:2. Turnips and their leaves contain minerals-electrolytes - calcium, magnesium and potassium. The use of this juice promotes the alignment of the equilibrium of electrolytes, and increases the metabolism of the tissues and the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Leaves water cress contain minerals sulphur, chlorine and phosphorus, are rich in calcium in a biologically accessible form (18%), potassium (20%), magnesium (5%), sodium (6%) and iron (to 0.25%). In combination with juices of turnip, spinach and water cress liquefy the blood, cleaned of toxins, inhibit platelet aggregation and dissolve already formed blood clots. The regular use of juice mixture increases the metabolism of the tissue and the oxygen saturation, purifies the body and is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Juices take in the number of 500-600 ml daily, prepare immediately before use, because the store the fresh juice can be no more than half an hour, otherwise the majority of the useful components collapses when in contact with air. The exception are the juices obtained screw squeezer - you can store several hours.

The treatment of varicose veins extract of garlic and lemon

the treatment of varicose veins extract of garlic and lemon

Atherosclerotic plaque established with the age in the walls of the blood vessels of a person, it adversely affects the flow of blood are the cause of serious diseases. Your appearance contributes to increased cholesterol due to bad eating habits and life style. To prevent the clogging of the vessels held their periodic purification.

Volatile garlic contribute to the dissolution of cholesterol plaques, the deposition of salts and recovery of the boats. In addition, the garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Preparation of infusion for the purification of the vessels:

  • Is sprayed with the grinder 4 without treatment lemon and 4 heads of garlic.

  • The resulting mass transfer into a glass jar and pour in the 3 liters of boiled water warm.

  • Insistence mixture of garlic and lemon occurs at room temperature during 3 days. The contents of the banks multiple times per day you need to mix.

  • After the given time the content of a capacity of paper filter, infusion store in the refrigerator.

The frequency of receipt of funds - 3 times a day 100 ml, preferably during meals or immediately after it. To carry out the complete treatment is necessary to prepare the 4 cans of garlic-infused lemon - they are trained with the frequency of once every 10 days. When you have side effects, initial dose is reduced to 1-2 St. l. 2 to 3 times a day.

Action infusion:

  • The vessels are cleaned of cholesterol plates;

  • Normalizes the blood pressure;

  • Disappear the pains of the head;

  • Increases the energy potential.

This is of course the treatment is performed 1-2 times per year, before you start the treatment, it is advisable to consult your doctor and control available the level of cholesterol.

If you really garlic purifies the vessels?

According to experts, the chemical alicina, in abundance youdelяющeeся when the mechanical impact on the cells of the garlic, when it reaches the circulatory system effectively destroys the HoleSteриноyoue plate. In the treatment of extracts of garlic it is necessary to consider the important circumstance - the use of regular types of means the body becomes accustomed to the action of alicina and cholesterol levels stops falling.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary preventive cleaning of vessels to carry out courses of 1.5-3 months with the same time interval between them. Because the active substance of garlic act irritating on the mucous membrane of the stomach and of the intestine, the consequence of this, it becomes the stimulation of the motility of these organs, and the increase of the gastric juice.

Contra-indications to application of garlic:

  • Cholecystitis,

  • Pancreatitis,

  • The gastritis with the increased acidity,

  • Ulcer of the stomach and intestine,

  • Жelчнокамeнная disease.

The importance of drinking water when varicose veins

which is best to drink water when varicose veins

As is well known since the school times, the blood is composed of red blood cells (leukocytes, platelets, and red blood cells) and the fraction liquid. The plasma of the blood is water with dissolved in it substances, salts, carbohydrates, proteins, and t. d. When there is consumption of liquid decreases the volume of the fluid portion of the blood, which results. that it becomes more dense. This dangerous situation, which increases the risk of blood clots, the aggregation of blood clots.

To avoid thickening of the blood and reduce the risk of varicose veins is recommended to drink two liters of water per day. You can calculate the daily requirement of liquids individually, depending on body weight. For every pound of weight must drink up to 40 oz. of water daily, that is, for a person weighing 70 kg, the ideal amount of liquid is 2.8 l.

However, if you are used to drink in a day much less water, dramatically increase your number should not, you need to give your body to adapt. Increase the amount of water gradually, every three days, and then add 100 ml the series for you amount. For a few weeks, you adapt to the new regime and feel the results.