Popular medications and vitamins against varicose veins

But this is completely contrary to their efficiency. What are the tools that can be successfully applied to combat varicose veins?

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Leeches against varicose veins

Leech, although unpleasant creatures, but very useful. They use and in the fight against varicose veins. What is so valuable that a leech? Your saliva, as it happens, contains in its composition a multitude of substances that have the property of intensifying the many processes of the body. The saliva in leeches was used in antiquity, for the body derives blood clots, which is called thrombus. In addition, with the increased viscosity of the blood and its large number of veins of leeches are indispensable to drain the blood and clean up the excess.

An interesting fact: a leech, that a time would drink about 15 ml of blood. Then sucked, she moves away from the body. But that is not all. After the bite of the leech and its fall from a hole that has been formed, it is also up to 15 ml of blood. This allows you to expand the microscopic blood vessels, to ensure the exit of blood from other organs and tissues.

Leeches against spasms and convulsions

The treatment of the infestation of leeches (hirudotherapy) – is a great remedy against the spasm of blood vessels, as well as the combat hypertension, edema feet. Leeches help restore the blood circulation, they contribute to the circulation enhances and nourishes the internal organs and tissues. It is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Leeches contribute to help you reduce the risk of defects in the walls of the vessels, are normal blood clotting, thanks to them, the body clean of toxins.

Contraindications to the application of leeches

And that there are no counter-indications? Of course, yes. This reduction of blood clotting, increased bleeding, including gums, anemia, pregnancy, strong thinness and the accelerated metabolism, the idiosyncrasy leeches, as well as the state of pregnancy. It is also not possible to put leeches to the children and the very old, especially with the body weakened.

Leeches can not be placed in locations where the skin is very thin – it is harmful to the skin and the blood vessels under it. Therefore, it is not possible to place a leech, and directly above the bushel, especially if it is a vase, with the dead walls.

The best place for leeches

The doctor-therapist (the doctor, which assigns the leeches) to say on which points it is best to put leeches. Your best option is to put in there, where, according to the canons of eastern medicine, are the meridians. The leeches were more effective, they need to combine with massage, self-massage and curative physical exercises, directed against the varicose veins.

Vitamins to strengthen the blood vessels


For the vessels were strong and firm, you need to nourish them not only outside, but from the inside to the outside. Vitamins in sufficient quantity also to help fight the formation of clots, normalize the microcirculation of the blood in the arteries and veins.

The vitamin routine (vitamin P) – this is a tool that reduces the permeability of the walls of the blood vessels and regains its elasticity, strength. Vitamin P reduces capillary fragility, through which circulates the blood. This vitamin in abundance contain these products:

  • Rose hip oil;
  • The berries of red currant;
  • Citrus fruits;
  • Green tea;
  • Rowan Aronia.

Know that the vitamin P in the body it is best absorbed along with the other vitamin – With. They increase the effects of each other in the body. And the gel base in a routine is very good for spotting them affected varicose veins space. These two ways to help combat swelling veins, which is already very good to manifest itself under the skin of the foot. Gel with routine in the composition, for example, Troxevasin, helping to relieve the inflammation in the veins, reduces their permeability, to relieve the deformed portions ven.

The seeds of the chestnut

It is also a great folk remedy against varicose veins. You can prepare a tincture of the seeds of the nuts for ourselves, the bay of their alcohol and placing in the week to infuse, and then swab the affected varicose veins space in your feet.

If the body is not enough vitamin A, the muscles become weak, the feet may lose its sensitivity or to lose your time, the skin of the feet can burn, and none of the members often become swollen. Food and drugs with the vitamin In the composition to help us deal with these phenomena.

Vitamin a lot in leaps and bounds, vegetables, grains, meats, poultry and pigs, lot the your also in the liver – it does not matter, meat, or pork, and also in the beer. Medicines and foods with vitamin A also helps strengthen vein walls, improve the tone of the vascular and of the whole organism, to help with the pain in the legs.

When a person states the disorder of the circulation of the blood in the veins, medicines with vitamin prescribe In 2 to 3 times a day for a month.

Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid

If in the body there is enough acid pantothenic, of people who show up with pain in the legs, cramping calf muscles, especially the spasms may occur during the night, which is especially dangerous to the human nervous system. He runs the risk of skin diseases and inflammation of the veins. To replenish the body with vitamin B5, you should take more of peanut, liver, cereals, germinated grains, cereal bran, consumed cooked, the chicken, the egg, the broccoli, the cabbage, the meat.

But we need to know that vitamin B5 is very unstable. He quickly broken, if the food – its source, – heat to boil, freeze. Vitamin B5 is also lost if the grain with the content of grind.

If the person has varicose veins, doctors can prescribe up to 250 mg of vitamin B5 (acid pantothenic) 2 times a day.

Vitamin c (askorbinki)

This vitamin is very good to strengthen the walls of veins and blood vessels. The ascorbic acid helps the body fight colds, pathogens, bacteria, viruses. Thanks to the vitamin with the body much better and more efficient would remove a vital to the blood is an element of – iron.

Lack of vitamin c leads to the destruction of the walls of the blood vessels and capillaries, the person quickly were formed bruises, and depart from evil, and evil to heal the wounds. To reset the deficiency Of vitamin c and efficient to compete with the varicose veins, the need to get it from fruit, rosehip, citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, melon, hawthorn, currant, and ash. If the person has already formed a trophic ulcer, vitamin c, you need to take every day, at least 2 grams.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Thanks to vitamin And cells in the walls of the vessels are saved much better, the walls of the blood vessels more durable, and the vessels well flow of blood. Vitamin E is very good for healing wounds, trophic ulcers in the late stage of the varicose veins.

Vitamin E can be taken out of the melon, liver, spinach, cabbage, carrot, milk, fresh apricots. Your dose strictly in the greece attacks personal, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the destination ideal doses of vitamin a, or retinol.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

This vitamin is very good for protect the cell membranes, as well as the confrontation of the body of bacteria and viruses. If the body is not enough tocopherol, the muscles of the legs weaken, the muscles may lose their way, the atrophy, the person begins to have difficulties during the walk, and also decreases the sensitivity of the feet. It can be, and in such a way that, when the lack of vitamin And have the person that diminish the reflexes, for example, the reaction in hot, cold, or slowness of movements. He also can't experience the sensitivity to vibration. For example, during a car journey.

Vitamin E can be learnt from oils of vegetable origin: sunflower, corn, cotton oil, a lot of tocopherol and in peru, margarine, almonds, sunflower seeds. These products must be consumed for the health of the veins and muscles of the foot.

Of course, these vitamins for the health of the veins and a good flow of blood, will not be enough – will need more, and the sodium, potassium, and omega-fatty acids, as well as zinc and copper. Then, the human diet is rich and is an excellent prevention against the wiles of the varicose veins.

Delicious recipes for Walker

Dr. Walker – american nutritionist, who created a system for the control of diseases of the feet, in particular with varicose veins. He suggested to the treatment use fresh juices, but not carts, and natural, freshly squeezed. The juices have a huge advantage on the products: they are absorbed immediately after they have been drinking, and have a more positive impact on all the systems of the body. Especially in the blood and the blood circulation. What are the juices the best thing you can do to treat varicose veins?

The carrot-spinach

You need to take 6 parts of juice of spinach and 10 parts carrot juice. An excellent remedy against tumors in the feet, ulcers in the legs, in exchange for fabrics, weakness, loss of strength. The juice is very useful for the correct and timely reduction of the blood vessels, help to strengthen the muscles of the blood vessels and muscles of the leg.

The carrot, the celery and the company

Need to take juice of carrots – 7 pieces, the juice of celery – 4 pieces, the juice of spinach – 3 pieces and the juice of parsley – 2 parts. All of these juices need to mix and immediately enjoy a drink. You will help yourself struggling with edema due to a large number of sodium, celery, help the blood to circulate faster deposit thanks to the carrot. Salsa – is a very good tool against bacteria (she was treated to the same diseases of the genital tract), and prevention of spasms. The juice is also good to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility.

Carrot, beet, and cucumber

Juices of these vegetables are very good to combat varicose veins. Need to take carrot juice – 10 pieces, the juice of beet root – 3 parts, the juice of the cucumber – 3 pieces. This blend contains a pantry of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the health of the veins.

There, and the sodium, calcium, potassium, and chlorine, and phosphorus, and all of this helps normalize blood pressure, increase blood flow, make stronger the walls of the blood vessels. Beet is generally very good for the purpose of reducing the risk of developing blood clots – she is able to make the blood thinner. When thrombophlebitis – an indispensable ingredient.

The carrot, the turnip and other vegetables useful

To prepare this juice you need whole 4 ingredient. It is a carrot – 8 pieces-juice of spinach – 4 pieces juice of turnip – 2 parts of juice of watercress – also 2 parts. In this juice blend that just is not: and the sulfur, iron and phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

All these ingredients together, you can easily dissolve blood clots – blood clots and promote good blood circulation. If a blood clot has not yet, this mixture of juices indispensable to the prevention of their education.

If the person has a deprivation of oxygen, is a mixture of the juices can compensate for the lack of oxygen during the hypoxia of the tissues. It is important to prepare this juice mix used the beets along with their green leaves – they have a lot of vitamins. And the carrot also has a green plant in the end, it is also useful to juice mixture. This will improve the impact of villages in the state of the veins when varicose veins.

Recipes folk of varicose veins

To effectively deal with the varicose veins, it is possible to use the forces of nature. For a very important person to be treated in exactly those plants that grow him in the country – such plants is better absorbed by the body and help in the fight against diseases of the veins.



To reduce the damage caused to the organism trophic pests, you need to use this recipe. It helps to phlebitis, varicose expansion of veins, when it occurs trophic pests, especially ulcers, which are formed in the leg.

Need to take the bark of hazel (hazel) and their leaves, all this in a blender in equal parts. 1 tablespoon of this mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water and put for cooled off and never – to- within an hour. Then, take a quarter cup 3 times a day, before meal.


Medicines prepared from it, help the blood to clot slower, because of brown if they strengthen the walls of veins, decreases their inflammation, as well as the inflammation of the muscles and joints, especially the calf, it is good for the product and the fight against the expansion of the veins.

How to cook? Need to take 50 g of fruits and flowers of cashew (crushed), insist on them, the bay of 0.5 liter of vodka or alcohol. Leave 14 days you will stay in a warm place in the dark. There is one secret: that of making the drink have been better, need, for your talked 1 time per day. Take tincture of nut can be 3 to 4 times per day. The course of treatment of 1 month. After that, the person feels much better.

Medicines with horse chestnut even use for the treatment of complications of varicose veins.


It is uncomplicated plant is very good, help when varicose veins. Need to take Kalanchoe, which is not less than a year. Wash the sheets, from one day to hold in the fridge and cut them up, filled the jar, a liter and a half. Pour all that vodka so that it covers Kalanchoe 2 fingers. Leave the dye will stay 2-3 days in a cool, dark place. Then, you can RUB her feet during the night. Very good, help when varicose veins – venous we become much less, in vienna, seem to is not so swollen.