Varicose veins of the lower limbs: symptoms, causes, treatment

According to statistics, one in every five people on the planet suffer according to the disease. But what it is and how to deal with it? The doctors a Security professional clinic veins able to find a surefire way for the healing of the body, by applying special medical diagnostic instrument and a device for the treatment.

the treatment of varicose vein

Varicose veins: the specificity of the disease, especially the manifestation of

This disease, because the people have suffered even in antiquity. This is evidenced by the record of Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus. The doctors of that time trying to fight against the defect, but the methods and actions have not been successful.

Varicose veins is the strongest pathological extension under the skin of the veins. The disease manifests itself not only in the lower limbs, but also in the stomach, hands and scrotum. Varicose veins refers to the number of pathologies progressive: if you do not get the time to take measures to prevent the development of a defect, the problem to worsen and the shrill of pain to get rid it will be even more difficult. The disease process is characterized by the fact that the vein found in the overloaded state, can not cope with the bleeding. The feet earn excessive fatigue and swelling, appears the gravity stop and the ankles, and regularly tire of seizures.

Symptoms of the disease

That the sensations that mark the development of a disease? There are a variety of symptoms, when is which you should immediately consult your doctor:

  • weight in the legs, feeling of "pads" of the lotus;
  • swelling stop, and ankles (to increase the amount of feet of the calf part 2 times);
  • regular seizures;
  • obvious varicose veins;
  • burning sensation in the "gears";
  • trophic abnormalities in the skin to stop it and legs;
  • the seal of the skin in places varicose veins;
  • the pigmentation, the appearance of the dark dark darkness skin;
  • nagging pain, or the feeling that it is not possible only in the reclined position;
  • the appearance of bruising;
  • the emergence of trophic ulcers.

The discomfort, that will always be with the person, with time, it overcomes the pain. They finally destroy the patient work and lead to his hospitalization.

Discover that you are a victim of the disease is quite simple. In the process of developing varicose veins, and the structure of the veins loses its elasticity, flexibility and cleverness. In the final analysis, as the vessels are found in the upper layers to the skin in folded position, advanced, and curves the state. They can be seen with the naked eye and feel upon touching the hands. Externally, such vienna steel wide, bought a dark blue or pink. Complicated vessels, especially under the knee in the back, get the form of remember the curls.

Varicose veins is the insufficiency of valves of perforant veins, which can be of two types:

  1. Primary.
  2. The secondary. Develops during pregnancy, previously found cirrhosis of the liver.

When the work valves of the cardiovascular system is compromised, the blood circulation from the depth of vessels veins begins to flow on the surface, the more thin and weak of vienna. This is why they expand and increase or decrease. For the complete normalization of the cardiovascular system requires the recovery of all the patients veins.

The causes of varicose veins expansion

What can lead to such consequences? Global changes in the functioning of the body can be caused by one of the following factors:

  1. Obesity. Violation of the functionality of the circulation, due to replacement of fat tissue, and be crushed inside located the bodies.
  2. Pregnancy. The gestation period of the child often requires the use of hormonal funds to improve the rate of estrogen and progesterone. Their action immediately affects the receive varicose veins. Characteristic of varicose veins in pregnancy is that after the birth, they can, gradually, dissolve. Also appear of varicose veins in women in the position to be an increase in the volume of blood in the body. The uterus with the fruit of a pressure on the veins that go between the legs. This stops the work of the cardiovascular system and contributes to the expansion of the veins.
  3. A long period of the state in a position. Because of the sedentary and beautiful and strong lifestyle often appears varicose veins. Especially, many times the disease is common among people in professions such as teacher, surgeon.
  4. The heredity genetics. Congenital anomalies of the blood vessels – are the most common cause of the appearance of a malfunction of the veins.
  5. The presence of the previously toe injuries (fractures). Of deformation, obtained by a bone fracture, often have an impact on the work of the vessels venous. Once interrupted the work flow of sufficient blood to become the impetus for the development of varicose veins.
  6. Changes related to age. Among the elderly, the vein wall becomes weak, the part of the epithelial cells and stops 100% to carry out its functions and, consequently, the work of the valves broken and receive varicose veins.

The modern methods for the treatment of veins

vein treatment

Express the symptoms can not be taken mood, the urgent need to start the solution of problems, by applying the modern methods for treatment. Helps to restore the functioning of the circulatory system has modern and professional clinic veins.

At the moment of clinical work the following methods of treatment varicose veins:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Each of them includes a series of recovery programs.

Conservative treatment

The type of treatment depends on the stage of development of the disease. The patients, who succumbed to the influence of the disease, but to turn into the earlier phases of its development, can make the recovery of a non-invasive way. In the program of this type of treatment includes the following methods:

  1. Drug-induced. The course involves the rigorous diagnostic testing and the allocation of medical drug related within a given timeframe. After taking medicines, the patient re-pass the exam. According to the results of the analysis, the analyst takes the decision on the continuation of treatment, or at its termination.
  2. Sclerotherapy varicose veins. When you use a method of treatment of special tools are required. This is a medicine, that is the syringe in the suffering from varicose veins vienna. The action of drugs characterized by the fact that it pastes affected, a vein inside. For the account of such "trick" the body, the blood starts to go a healthy blood. It is appropriate to the method recovery not all, because it requires a certain stage of development the varicose veins, the state of the blood vessels and the position of sites.
  3. Compression therapy. The method of recovery consists in the application of special compression garment, which is chosen only a health care provider. Compression is an effective form of non-surgical recovery, and the doctors of the Baltic clinics of the vein will have professional help on your usage to reach 100% recovery.

Surgical removal of the varicose vein

This method of treatment of veins in the legs continues to be a popular one, because the treatment is non-invasive way does not always allow that to always say goodbye to the disease. Because of the fund of development of the disease, get rid of him can only resort to the implementation of the operation.

The main indications for surgical use, of the intervention operations in the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. The rapid development of the disease. The manifestation of stage trophic ulcers.
  2. Violation of blood outflow.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. The extension of the vein.
  5. Swelling and high fatigue of the feet.

There are also procedures painless, through the use of modern techniques of

  • The obliteration of the vein. RFO and EVRF, which lets through radio waves to restore the structure of the blood vessels from within. To perform the operation in the clinic are used catheters disposable, generators, automatic radio waves.
  • SVS thermal treatment of occlusion pulses of steam. The method involves the treatment of the varicose veins through the introduction of the inside of the vein catheter, through which the available holes comes from an abundant flow of steam. Hot pairs allows you to penetrate the more inaccessible areas of the vessel and acting on the complicated and warped of vienna. After completion of the treatment of this form of vienna close.
  • The operation of the Varadi. The tricky method. Requires the removal of the patient from vienna. Method 100 % effective. After the expiration of the day, the patient alone is able to go home. The only requirement is that the use of compression stockings from the time of the completion of the operations.
  • EVLT or laser coagulation of the veins. To perform the procedure, the laser is used. The beam directed on the patient, the vessel, which allows us to locate the defect. You must apply a local analgesic. The procedure leaves no scars, cuts or burns.
  • The system Venaseal imply the complete closure of diseased veins in the legs, by means of gluing valves, vessels biological glue.

Often the type of surgical treatment combined with conservative. After the completion of an operation, it is often necessary for the consolidation of the result of the application of medicines.

Prevention varicose veins

For the result to cure entrenched and varicose veins no longer exists, is not only required regular medical stabilization of the state of the body, but and prevention of diseases, through the application of simple rules for reference of style of life.

The doctors say that it is more easy to report a disease than to treat it. Simple rules of behavior and life style can help prevent the development of varicose veins:

  • The development of day mode: make different types of loads on the body. The reduction to the minimum standing charges.
  • The presence of orthoses wheelchairs to sedentary work table.
  • Exemption of pressing and the strait of articles of clothing and footwear.
  • Running regular cycling and swimming.
  • The execution of morning and evening loading.
  • Sort of weight (with the replica of a set of weight consult a dietitian).
  • Shower sensations.
  • The adoption in full of 1.5 liters of liquid.

While waiting for a long journey, and having the expressed signs of a disease, make sure all medicines on the road. Soothing gel and ointment is an excellent aid for such activities.

By applying simple measures of prevention of the pathology, not only slow down the development of the disease. These steps help you to get rid of disease and prevent its progression. Looking at some of the signs descending fast the state of your body, you should consult a phlebologist. The modern centers of diagnostics allow to reveal exactly what a diagnosis and determine a more efficient way of your therapy.