What are varicose veins of the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The main problem of the disease is that it is extremely difficult to diagnose. Often comes to confusion, when the results of studies say about you have problems with the pelvis.

varicose veins of the uterus

Who is in the main area of risk? In the first place, is a woman of reproductive age. In rare cases, the disease alarm as teenagers. And senile. increase know this disease can be even more rare. But, in any case, one should not think that have this problem can't touch.

The main causes

In the majority of cases, the disease occurs for a reason, abundant and long-lasting of inflammatory processes. In any case, we cannot rule out the failure of the pregnancy. If you have gone through an abortion, then you are also at increased risk area. Thus, you should consult your doctor. He explains in detail what is obvious varicose veins of the womb, how to deal with it.

A particular problem may be the ovarian vienna. She may have the blood, which leads to this disease. Do not forget that special, the damage can bring about medicines. The younger, a side effect that is still not completely studied. Especially harmful hormonal tools. Predisposition, also, one should not deny.

The symptoms

Especially important to know to ensure that, in the case not to postpone the hike with a professional. The first and most important symptom of severe abdominal pain. Sometimes, they are so strong, that it leads to the complete loss of integrity. Occurs a remarkable discomfort after sexual intercourse or even during it. The menstrual cycle is broken, it's different, it downloads the amount of secretions.

It should be noted, then, to identify that the varicose veins of the uterus is difficult, the symptoms are similar, with many gynecological diseases. Here in any case can guess.

Only full ultrasound with the use of the equipment allows you to accurately place the diagnosis and take another solution.

There is no more explicit the reasons why you should consult a specialist. In particular, seizures. Especially dangerous, if they are accompanied by edema. You feel irritation in the feet, at night, that comes with the job? You hurt the discomfort persistent? So, at least for the prevention necessarily quality business professional.

Difficulties during pregnancy

Of course, varicose veins are veins of the uterus during pregnancy is not as common. But after each conception the situation is complicated. In conjunction with life-time increases and the risk. With this, not only for pregnant woman but also to the child itself. What difficulties can arise?

  1. Placenta insufficiency.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis of the portal vein.
  4. It is often necessary to do a cesarean section.

You can summarize all that has been said the fact that the treatment during pregnancy is tricky at times. This uterine disease requires constant surveillance, the phlebologist. It will probably say that in your case, if you are pregnant, the treatment prove ineffective. In this case, the doctor should be done, at least, symptomatic therapy. What is this? The expert can not cope with the main of the disease. So, he should, at least, reduce to zero the main symptoms.

And how to treat varicose veins of the uterus outside of pregnancy? In this case, there are several basic methods. They are selected in function of the specificities of the patient. Consider them in more detail.

  1. The conservative therapy. In this case, it is necessary to take medicines, which are intended to tone vienna. Also important are medicines against the allergy. The complex also includes the services of physical therapy, fitness therapy.
  2. Sometimes, it is not possible to do without a surgical intervention. Today's technology allows you to do everything faster. Specific methods depend on the state of the patient, the degree of neglect of the disease.

On the people tools

They, also, sometimes, help to heal varicose veins. Already designed a list of medications that you must take into.

  1. In the first place, you should look for a tincture of brown.
  2. Try taking an infusion of hop cones.
  3. Excellent mixture of different medicinal herbs. This can be st. john's wort, field horsetail, calendula, and a few others. Buy everything you can for almost any great the market.
  4. Try apple cider vinegar. Dilute a couple of teaspoons of default in a glass of water.

But we have to understand, that very much depends on what stage is the disease. If it is only in the embryo, folk remedies completely can only be effective.

The main means of prevention

In the first place, has responsibility for their health. If you notice any changes in the uterus, what you need, immediately, to appeal to a gynecologist. He is able to, literally, after a few questions to determine that you have problems to develop a plan of action.

In no case, be self-assigning himself to hormonal treatments. Only in small doses and after consultation with a qualified physician. During the first pregnancy, women must avoid stress, constantly passes through the exams. Even more that now the large amount and variety of centers diagnostics, both of the result, literally, within an hour.

Are important physical activities moderate. Serious, to the classes will only aggravate the situation. And here is the physical education, dance classes, swimming, yoga — all of this makes your immunity to this disease substantially.

Analysis of urine and blood should be taken into consideration in the framework of prevention. In particular, if the bad blood that coagulates, it is a clear sign of varicose veins. It remains only to determine the location where it lies. Perhaps, every one knows that the diet will get rid of a lot of problems. In particular, you can increase your chances for a healthier future, by eliminating from your diet too greasy and sharp products. Consume more fruits, vegetables. Do not forget to restrictions in the sahara. It is especially dangerous to white. And all the dishes that contain them in great quantity. Now that you know all about varicose veins in the uterus and their treatment in detail.