Folk remedies of varicose veins in the legs. Folklore, recipes, tips, and recommendations

Varicose veins are veins affects mainly the rectum and feet, being the result of a weakness of the connective tissue, of the difficulty of the outputs and the lack of power of the valves. This disease causes heavy physical work, related to the handling and weight lifting, and also to find the legs during a long period of time. Furthermore, the emergence and the development of the disease is related to the frequent constipation. In some cases, the disease manifests itself during pregnancy when the heavy uterus compresses the vein in the pelvis. In this article we will talk about the folk remedies of varicose veins in the legs. But, before that let's find out what are the symptoms of this disease. So, let's start.

the treatment of varicose veins in the legs folk media

The symptoms of varicose veins feet

When the disease of vienna, lose their elasticity, are stretched and extend in some places, forming a "we". These extended stretches of speed of blood flow decreases, which contributes to the development of thrombosis. Vienna change shape and expand. In some places they translucent under the skin and, in others, to swell, forming a "we". The symptoms varicose veins legs appear in the form of fatigue and swelling in the evening. And in the skin of the lower limbs, appear bluish, brown, and brown spots.

Need to understand clearly that the treatment is more effective in the early stages of the disease. If everything is able to exclusively surgical intervention. Therefore, it is worthwhile to closely monitor your health and when the first symptoms immediately to take measures. And will help you in this folk remedies of varicose veins in the legs.


It is well stimulates the process of blood circulation. Also this nut relieves the inflammation of the veins. Prepared from his medicine in the following way: whole grain, nuts, ground in a coffee grinder or crushed in a grater. Then, a third of a teaspoon of the obtained powder, pour in boiling water and leave to cool to room temperature. Later, add a tablespoon of honey and insist about 20 minutes. Obtained by decoction to drink in the morning before breakfast. It is very important to the cook every day the most recent portion of the powder. After all, the essential oils quickly if corrmoem, and the drink loses therapeutic properties.

The ointment of varicose veins

Perfect help in this disease. The ointment when varicose veins in the legs serves as the base of vegetable oil. But once more the use of olive oil, because it contains arachidonic acid. For checking the composition of thickness need to feed in melted animal fat. Also in the process of manufacture it is recommended to use plants:

  • absinthe;
  • louse wood;
  • cabbage;
  • celandine;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • chestnut-of-india;
  • the bark of a willow tree.

Such mixtures it is easy to prepare. For example, the ointment to the base of the nut is done like this: 6 of dried fruit, powdered flour, add 300 milligrams (mg) of the oil and 2 tablespoons of flowers crushed nuts. A mixture of warm water bath of about 60 minutes. Then, give the to set up, remove the sludge, add animal fat and mixed. This is all, you can use this ointment when varicose veins in the legs.

treatment varicose veins legs herbal


For the treatment may not be suitable for all, but only of green tomatoes. How to treat varicose veins in this case? Everything is simple. You have to cut the tomatoes in half and make one of the halves of pulp to vienna, while not begins to burn. Then, the tomatoes, clean and wash phase cold. After that, the foot apply a second soul mate. And so it is necessary to do four times. In three weeks you will notice blanching of the vein of us.


Even in ancient times, the doctors were treated varicose veins during pregnancy feet cabbage leaves. Then they could not explain the reasons for the effectiveness of this tool. Now it is common knowledge that the leaves of the cabbage contain many minerals and vitamins. And still continue to use as compresses for the treatment of varicose veins.

This is done like this: cabbage leaf jumps or rolled with a roller. Then, one part smeared with vegetable oil and is applied to the struck by a place. Secure the sheet has bandage in a day. On the day following, the whole procedure repeats itself. Course of treatment a month.


This plant belongs to the category of "funds of varicose veins in the legs for outdoor and indoor use". In the first case, is made of ice, and in the second – tea.

Compress do so: the root of ginger bruised, mixed with honey and apply local problem of 3-4 hours. To strengthen the effect it is worth to roll the foot in warm plain.

The ginger tea is not only a means of prevention of varicose veins, but the way to treat the disease at any stage. Prepare it is very simple: you need to cut the root of a small piece, pour boiling water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. It is worth mentioning that the regular use of this tea not only normalizes the circulation of the blood, but will have a beneficial effect on the metabolism. So, this drink is so important to drink people with excess weight.


It is not very popular, folk remedies of varicose veins in the legs. However, they are quite effective. The main element of all infusions is vodka. Therefore, when the skin of the feet is damaged, then it's worth it to try another form of treatment.

The most efficient – tincture of Kalanchoe. Sometimes she would add comfrey, or the white acacia. Is preparing for the medicine as well: the leaves of Kalanchoe, finely chopped, and fold in a bank. Then, pour the vodka and defending two weeks in a dark place. Ready infusion rubbed on the pain points of the legs twice a day for three months.

The apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins feet

At this time, is one of the most popular and best means of treatment of this disease. The fact is that, in the composition of the apple cider vinegar with more than 20 trace elements and minerals, required blood. And, of course, vitamins c, and E.

The regular use of this product allows you to obtain:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • toning of the skin;
  • relief of edema;
  • strengthen the walls of the veins.

But the apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins legs only work in the case of use of a natural product that is made from the fresh juice. Some unscrupulous manufacturers do it from the husk. From such A vinegar, there's no use.

As oil to cure varicose veins?

Along with ointments, settings and vinegar actively using the essential oils. It is the most common castor, linseed, et cyminum, garlicky, sandalwood and others. So, what to do when varicose veins of the feet, if you have one of the above listed oils? There are two options:

  • A few drops add in a hot bath. Take need every day in the evening.
  • And still a couple of drops added in the cream (butter), to do the massage when varicose veins of the legs. Obtained the consistency is rubbed smooth movements in the affected area.

The use of above oils not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also relieves the swelling of the feet.

The honey bee is an example, propolis and aliterate

These tools of varicose veins in the legs have a secular history. If you arrive in your composition, it becomes clear the enormous usage. But not all products are available inhabitants.

The exception is the honey. It can be bought in any store. How, then, to treat varicose veins? On the screen, apply a thin layer of honey, and is applied to the inflamed veins. Top member to wind plastic film and a bandage. In the first three days of compress apply in two, three and four hours, respectively. Then he left for the night. Course of treatment two to three weeks.


If you do not know how to treat varicose veins in the legs of women, we recommend you to try this berry. Like ginger, use it to prepare vitaminized drink or compress.

In the first case, the juice of cranberries mixed with honey (0.5 litres of juice – two tablespoons of honey). Drink four times a day (two tablespoons). Course of treatment – 1.5 months.

To make the compress, the berries are ground to a state of pulp, mixed put it in the faq and apply to the inflamed stage, and put a bandage. This compress's best to leave all night.


The pumpkin is extremely useful product, it contains many minerals and vitamins. For the treatment of varicose veins need to use the pulp, pre-releasing the seeds. This "remedy" rubbed the foot with problem veins, and then wind a cloth hot and left during the night. The remainder of the pulp is placed on the storage in the refrigerator. The treatment effect does not appear at once, therefore, it is worth to have patience.


To be more precise, then, to the treatment of varicose veins is not used the fruit, and made from it ointment. Is preparing for it thus: in a glass bottle is placed a layer of lard thickness of 1.5 cm. On top slices, cut the fruit of marcus tullius. The layer should be about 1 centimeter. So, again, going to bathe him and so on until the complete filling of seats. It is very important, so that the latter was exactly the layer of pork fat. After this the pot is placed in the oven or steam bath, in slow fire and arrives in 24 hours. Received ointment to cool and rubbing it on problem areas, a couple of times a day.

the treatment of varicose veins in the legs popular forms


Those who know how to treat varicose veins in the legs of women, for a long time already use this wonderful fruit. Use it as externally, in the form of compresses, both for the interior. Is preparing for a compress as well: the lemon is cut into slices and apply them to the inflamed veins, registering the bandage. It is used throughout the day. When you do this, mugs of lemon change fresh 2-3 times.

Lemon juice cleans the blood vessels and increases their elasticity. For this, the citrus it is worth to include in the diet for people, who started to have problems with the veins, or for those who wish to avoid its occurrence.

Here is one of the best tools in folk medicine against varicose veins: of the six lemons squeeze the juice and mixed in glass containers with two cups of honey, three pieces of gold to the mouth, and five cloves of chopped garlic. Obtained the mixture should infuse in a dark place for seven days. Drink the medicine for four teaspoons once a day. Course of treatment a month.


This plant is used in varicose veins in the form of compresses.

The most refined of tubers of potato, macerated in a grater and overlap on the affected area, a layer of an inch. All this wind from the top eight layers of gauze soaked in the juice of the potato. This compress is applied for four hours. It is very important to use to cook the potatoes.

The clay

From all the varieties of clays for the treatment of varicose veins ideal blue. Many experts confirm the high efficiency of its impact on the dead of vienna. When varicose veins clay is used in the form of applications.

For the implementation of the procedures of clay diluted with water until creamy state. Obtained the consistency is applied to the problem areas, the duo layer, wind bath towels, and aged for at least two hours. After the clay of the uterus. Course of treatment – 1,5 months of daily application.

Fish oil

In most cases oral to reduce weight and to normalize metabolism. After all, it is known that the slower the metabolism and the excess weight is the main reason for varicose veins. But fish oil has a different application.

Its mixed with can honey until a homogeneous mass, in the ratio of 1:1. Received the ointment is applied on the fabric of linen pure, and is applied to the inflamed veins throughout the night.


Now that you know how to treat varicose veins feet at home. Many people do not pay attention on pain in the lower limbs, the swelling and the tiredness at the end of the day, considering the normal and the phenomena. It's not worth their minds. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease, you will not be able to get rid of it. Therefore, at the first sign of use folk remedies of varicose veins in the legs, which were listed in this article. If the effect does not, contact a phlebologist.