What has fear of varicosity effective popular treatment methods

The use of synthetic products of drugs for the treatment of any disease, including varicose veins varicose veins, always results in some unpleasant effects. And here is the treatment varicosity the popular tools, and unsafe at 100%, then the side effects of popular medicine are significantly lower than those negative effects медикаментозных of drugs.

Yes, and the value of people of treatment is several times smaller. That is why the folk remedies of treatment of varicosity, today, have not lost their relevance and are widely used by people.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of

You must understand what the treatment will be most effective in the early stages of the development of the disease (the appearance of the vascular veins and the feeling of heavy legs), and less effective in advanced cases, when you will be able to help only surgical intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their well-being and when the first symptoms consult a doctor for the confirmation of their suspicions.

Stagnation of the phenomenon, leading to varicose expansion of a vein, usually the first surprise to the lower limbs, therefore, the revenue of drugs of varicosity feet are the most popular for the population. We will elaborate on the main prescriptions of folk medicine.

The ancient recipes of ointments of varicosity

All the folk ointment varicosity are prepared based on vegetable oil, more oil, due to the high content of arachidonic acid. To make the mixture thick, in the old recipes recommend adding the ointment melted fat of animals. The process of preparation of such compounds is quite simple.

Dyes of varicosity

No less popular and a variety of teas varicosity, cooking is much easier, but much more time. The basis of all infusions comes with vodka, so, on the feet there are areas with damaged skin, it is from such methods of treatment worth it to abstain.

The most efficient is considered the tincture of kalanchoe, many times add a white acacia or окопник in the ratio of 1:1. Are preparing for such teas in the following way: the leaves of the medicinal plant finely шинкуют, pouring in the bank, pour in the vodka and give settle for 10-14 days in a dark place.

Ready infusion will be necessary to rub the skin of the foot to the knee in the course of 3 months, two times per day.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of oil

The apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicosity as # 1 tool

Treatment varicosity vinegar is quite popular and effective to combat the disease. Apple cider vinegar helps in the treatment of varicosity because it includes more than 20 minerals and trace elements needed by the blood, as well as vitamins c, E, A, which permits its regular use be able to:

  • improve the tone of the skin;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • relief of edema;
  • improve the blood circulation.

However, all this is only possible if used for the treatment of a natural product, made from the fresh juice, and not from the bark, as do the manufacturers of this type of vinegar.

What are the oils that heal varicosity?

On equal footing with creams, настоями and vinegar are widely used and a variety of essential oils. In the treatment of varicosity most commonly used is castor oil, cumin, sandalwood, garlic, flaxseed, and others.

The essential oils against varicosity usually use 2 ways:

  1. Add a few drops of 2-3 different oils in the bath with warm water, accept that you need a day in the evening.
  2. Are added in a massage cream or massage oil and delicate movements of the ankle to the thigh insertion in sectors with the dead veins.

Is the use of oil, not only allows to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also to relieve the swelling in the lower limbs.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of прополисом

Apitherapy, propolis, the bee and the sample, and the honey in the treatment of varicosity

Treatment varicosity bees has a long history and it is not surprising if the detail to remove the composition and the use of different bee products, if the poison, the sample, propolis or honey. All these recipes are good enough and effective, however, are not always available to urban residents.

It is easier to get hold of honey. Treatment varicosity honey occurs in the following way: on the screen is applied a layer of honey and apply it on the inflamed veins, wrap the top with plastic film and engancham with the help of a bandage. On the first day, a treatment of a compress, to remain standing for 2 hours, during the second day 3, third - 4, and more a compress with honey leave all night. Duration of the course медовой therapy is usually 2 to 3 weeks.

Help the tomatoes in the treatment of varicosity?

For the treatment of varicose veins varicose veins are not used any tomatoes, and only immature green.

Treatment varicosity green tomato is quite simple and consists of the following: tomatoes cut in half 1 of soul apply to the inflamed pulp vienna, and remain until you feel a burning sensation. Tomato take, and a piece of flushed skin with cold water. After that, the foot apply to your soulmate, tomato, and so repeat 4 times. With the daily use of the green tomato against varicose veins, varicose veins, over 3 weeks it is possible to observe the money and the flexibility of the vein of us.

Treatment varicosity nutmeg

Nutmeg in the treatment of varicosity applies thanks to its property to stimulate the process of circulation of the blood and to take the inflammation of the veins. Prepare a medicine of nutmeg, in the following way: whole grain, nuts, grate or finely ground in coffee grinder, 1/3 teaspoon of powder, pour a glass of boiled water, остужают to room temperature, add a tablespoon of honey and insist 20 minutes.

Drink a beer I need in the morning before breakfast. It is important that the each day preparing fresh portion of the powder. Otherwise, the essential oils выветрятся, and the drink loses therapeutic properties.

There is another recipe with the use of nutmeg: 200 grams of grated walnuts, pour a liter of vodka and insist 10 days, and then take three times a day for 20 drops over the course of three months.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of cabbage

The kale helps in the treatment of varicosity

Since ancient times, physicians have used капустные leaves to relieve the inflammation. And it is not surprising to see how much of the vitamins and oligo-elements found in the leaves of cabbage. Cabbage leaves in the treatment of varicose veins varicose veins are used in form of compress.

The compress is done in the following way: cabbage-leaf раскатывается a roll of pasta or отбивается, and then is a face smeared with vegetable oil and is applied to the inflamed vienna, on top of cabbage, leaf of bugging bandage and leave it overnight. The next day the procedure repeated, and so do 30 times.

The ginger in the treatment of varicosity

The ginger when the varicose expansion of the veins can be used as a tool to the interior or the exterior. So the ginger tea is a good way of not only prevention of inflammation of the vein but and treatment of the disease at any stage of your view. To prepare this tea is very simple: just cut of the root, is a small piece of ginger, pour boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes. It should be noted that, in addition to normalizing the circulation of blood, this type of drink is beneficial and on the metabolism, so drink the ginger is particularly helpful for those who have problems with the veins caused by excess weight.

Compress of ginger is done in the following way: the root finely scrub, mixed with honey and is applied to the inflamed vienna 3-4 hours. To strengthen the effect it is recommended to wrap the feet in something hot.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of ginger

Useful properties of cranberries in the treatment of varicosity

Such as ginger, калину can be used as a compress or as a drink with vitamins. In the first case, the patient will have to take fresh fruits kalina, grind them to a state of pulp, mixed disburse a mixture of the faq, applied to the phase of inflamed skin with vienna and secure by a bandage. That compress, the best thing to do before going to sleep and leave during the night.

A drink from kalina, in its essence, is the juice, mixed with honey in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of honey in 500 ml of juice. Drinking should be 2 tbsp 4 times a day for a month and a half.

Action of pumpkin in the treatment of varicosity

Everyone knows that the pumpkin is extremely useful product, containing a variety of vitamins and trace elements. For the treatment of varicose veins varicose veins is to be used in the pulp, pre-filled seed. This pulp should be fully grate the member with problem veins, curl up in something warm and leave it overnight. The rest of the porridge can be stored in the refrigerator.

Since the effect of the gourd compresses very soft, when you use this method of treatment must have patience.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of adam's apple

Adam the apple in the treatment of varicosity

Adam the apple for the treatment of varicosity is used in the form of ointment, which is prepared thus: it is a glass jar, which is filled with a layer of adipi 15 mm thickness, then at the top adipi cut slices of fruits from marcus tullius (adam's apple) layer of 10 mm, then again a layer of adipi, and so on, until the seat will not be filled. It is important that the last layer was adipi. After the bank is full, your place in the steam bath or in an oven on slow fire for a day (do not boil), after filtered, остужают and rubbed 1-2 times per day for the problem areas.

varicosity is very much afraid of lemon

Lemon for therapeutic purposes, you can apply as much within as it is outwardly in the form of pills for the pain compresses. Prepare for this compress easy. It is taken from the lemon, cut in slices, is applied to inflamed areas and обматывается bandage or compressor paper. Use a compress necessary throughout the day, 2-3 times replacing the fresh lemon.

Lemon juice cleans the blood vessels and increases the elasticity of their walls, so that this citrus it is worth to include in your diet for those who have problems with veins or want to prevent its occurrence.

One of the most efficient medicines folk medicine against inflammation of the veins is considered to be the following: 6 lemons cleanse the skin and выжимают of them juice, minced 5 cloves of garlic and 3 papers boca de ouro, add 2 cups of honey and all mix well. A mixture of leave настаиваться in glass containers over 1 week in a dark place. This medicine is applied for 4 ч. л. once per day during the month.

Treatment varicosity potatoes

Potatoes to the treatment varicosity used in the form of compresses, prepared from tubers of this plant.

Take several different of tubers of potato, clear and clean the bark, then must the grid and place a layer of 1 cm in an inflammation of the vein. Above the layer of potato обматывается about 8 layers of gauze, that top also suffuse the juice of the potato. Keep the compress should be at least 4 hours, when this is important for it was used fresh grated, not the older potato.

varicose veins popular for the treatment of мумие

Мумие in the treatment of varicosity

Мумие when varicosity apply due to its properties of reducing congestion and tumors. Especially good help ointment мумие in the early stages of the development of the disease. Creates this ointment in the following manner: 5 parts of petroleum jelly to liquid is given by the 1 part of the Altai resin, everything is well-blended and rubbed soft and smooth movements three times a day, in areas with inflamed veins. Wash the waste of the ointment could not before, after one hour from the time of your application.

Also мумие you can apply to the inside: a small piece of resin mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and milk and выпивается two times per day during the month.

Use fish oil when varicosity?

Fish oil is mainly applied to the inside, which helps to normalize the metabolism and weight reduction, as one of the main causes of stagnation in the veins. However, there is another application of fish oil.

Is taken the fish oil and may honey in the ratio of 1:1 and mixed to a homogenous paste. Obtained the ointment is applied on the fabric of linen pure, involving the vulnerability of the sick member and leave during the night.

The arc of the varicosity

The largest effect when varicosity does not have in itself the onion, and its bark. The peels of onions of varicosity is involved in a variety of recipes.

  • 2 tablespoons of the bark chopped seasoned with 100ml of vodka and insist on for 7 days, after the dye from the paper filter and take 20 drops three times a day for 15 minutes before a meal.
  • 2 tablespoons of the peel chopped, pour 2 cups of boiling water under the lid for 6 hours, the filter paper and three times per day, drink the fourth cup before meals over the course of weeks and a half.

Treatment varicosity garlic

The garlic when varicosity recommend you apply in the form of a compress, which is prepared in the following way: is the garlic with white skin and is cut off, then add the butter in a ratio of 1:2. Received the ointment before going to sleep lubricate the inflamed of vienna, and etched on top of the permanent role or a bandage. On the morning of the remains of the ointment to be washed. The procedure must be repeated every day for several weeks.

Can treat varicosity salt?

Salt when varicosity is used for trays or солевых dressings. It is believed that it is best to use sea salt. Its diluted with water to obtain a liquid кашицы. This porridge and use it to солевых dressings. Salinas of I think when varicosity has to change several times a day, supporting each not more than 4 hours.

In some recipes солевую porridge recommend to cool in the refrigerator until zero temperature, make the gauze in the morning, and stay until the sun does not heat up, then, the remains remove with the skin to avoid irritation.

The effect of the treatment varicosity солевыми bandages usually comes after a month of the beginning of the procedure.

Treatment varicosity soda

Use soda varicosity also recommended Zalmanov. According to your revenue, the greater ability to pour the warm water and dissolved in 200 g of sodium bicarbonate and 70 g of alum. Everything is carefully agitated until complete dissolution and, then, the feet are placed in a container with water. The duration of the bath should be about 15 minutes. The course of treatment of such ножными bathroom episodic: 2 day 1 over the course of two weeks.

If the disease is highly went up the walk, then you can apply a bath of soda, do more concentrated the solution is not worth it. After a bath the body wipe, and wrapped in a towel.