Varicose veins in the legs - symptoms and treatment

The disease with "a global reach", which is diagnosed in more than half of the inhabitants of the earth – varicose veins of the lower limbs.

Varicose veins are veins driven by the clear deficiencies in the system of venous outflow tract of blood in the area of the feet, or overflow and vascular obstructed, it causes the development of degradation processes in the walls of venous. This process contributes to the inconsistency and the valve system and connective tissue weakness of the veins.

varicose veins in the legs

What is a "root of evil"?

Huge, an extensive system of reservoirs, including shallow and deep vessels veins provides the blood to the heart of man. Connect them among themselves a kind of alarm system, which provides timely reset the blood.

Basic load in the direction of circulation falls in deep vessels venous, because of their dimension and strength. And only a small dose of loads of take on surface vessels.

The heart, a kind of bomb, "clears" the blood of the beds vascular. Under certain load conditions (walking of a person, squat and t. d.) in the heart, to push through the veins overcomes the gravitational force (gravity). When the muscle tissue of the feet relaxed (weak onttrenirovannosttand or at rest), under the weight of gravity, the blood, quickly descends to the feet.

The presence on the walls of the veins special grants, promotes the implementation of valve functions and inhibits the feedback of the circulation of the blood. The value of valve system is very large, it performs the role of the shutter and any damage leads to interruption of the blood flow and increase the flow of blood, which you're resetting to low.

This causes the stagnation of blood in the veins, its extent and inflammatory processes, swelling and bumps, the nullity of the valve of the system is not able to halt the increase in vienna. Result – violation of blood circulation in the legs and varicose veins with venous extension.

Causes of varicose veins

The disease has two forms – primary and secondary. The genesis primary varicose veins leg extension driven by venous pathology of the wall:

  • the decline of its tone;
  • the loss of elasticity;
  • the increased intravenous pressure;
  • nodular formations advanced vessels.

In the development of such pathologies is not less important to play:

  • the genetic predisposition;
  • advanced age;
  • the excess weight and the injury;
  • great load of work in vienna ft.

Cause the development of the disease can be sudden load on the feet and overvoltage, pregnancy and childbirth. The consequence of these factors, in most cases, becoming a increase in intravenous pressure in the extremities and damage to the valve apparatus.

The secondary reason way – picttромбофлебandtandчеwithкого varicose veins expansion due to pathological processes in the own vascular system, feet in the form of:

  • thrombosis transferred to the phase of primary disease;
  • vascular defects dandwithплandзandй and fistula in arteries and veins;
  • the syndrome Parkes-Weber;
  • tumors and lesions;
  • immunological and Naraindокрandнных violations.
the disease of the veins

An additional factor for developing varicose veins women can serve of oral contraceptives that cause hormonal imbalance. The direct dependency has not been confirmed, but, due to their intake can develop complicated processes already existing pathology, due to the varicose veins members.

The signs of varicose veins in the legs are not specific and are scarce. Very pronounced when varicose veins, pain syndrome in the feet with the cargo, accompanied by the hill and burning of the affected areas.

- It is normal – the fatigue of the feet, swelling on the inside of the stop zone and the ankles. You receive the pain that is caused to lament nature, comes in the course of the vessels venous.

Common initial symptom of the disease is the fact that the pain and the swelling are more marked in the evening and the morning pass. The visible changes in the veins in the beginning of the disease does not occur. The patient may experience only a great fatigue.

  • Progresses the disease is slow, it can develop over the years. The lack of early treatment can manifest itself in chronic venous insufficiency.

The symptoms of varicose veins feet - 7 signs

The main symptoms of varicose veins in the legs are characterized by:

1. External changes of the vessels. Modified the shape and configuration of deep and hypodermic blood more brilliant than the symptom of varicose veins. Notes IUшковanddNoah, or even both focal thickening of the vessels with nodular formations and location of a club.

They become purple or cyanotic color. Previously are not noticeable the vessels, prostupayt on the surface in the form of a vascular network surface. Often, such changes are manifested in the legs and in the inner area of the foot.

2. Armbar syndrome. Normal, your manifestation – the-calf. With the development of the disease, they become stronger and accompanied with muscle cramps of the leg, optOStandtandчеwithкой disease – care pain in the prone position, and of the renewal, when changing to the standing position.

Painful palpation in the absence of visible changes, confirms the fact of pathological changes in deep-lying vessels.

3. The Edema. The manifestation swelling of the feet during the process of varicose veins, the characteristic of semiology. It manifests as the location, in the lower third of the legs and feet. In this case, the projection of the lesion occurs itching of the skin.

If during the night's sleep, the swelling does not reduce, it is an alarm signal, attesting to the final stage of the progression of the disease (stage of decompensation). In such a situation, you must delete the accession of infection and not to lose development tрофandчеwithкandх ulcers.

4. Itching in the skin, which manifests itself before the development of the attributes of prominent varicose veins, when there have been expressed pathologies of venous thrombosis churn.

5. ГandперпandгIUнtandцandей, occurs in the middle of the living of the clinical signs. The skin in the area damaged veins, in their turn, and to the side, in places of injury and damage, exposed andнdурandцandand (seal), becoming dark and blue, occurs a thinning of the surface epithelium and atrophy the subcutaneous structure.

6. Hyperemia – the sense of constant freezing of the extremities, fingers and feet.

7. The open development tрофandчеwithкandх pests – is a complicated option varicose veins, or as a consequence of certain changes in areas of skin at the final stage of the disease.

Different people and illness is different, according to individual differences of location of the vessels venous (superficial or deep).

Therefore, the most dangerous "diving rock" varicose veins, is its subtle, asymptomatic during, which can manifest itself immediately to the implementation stage.

Which specialist should look?

the treatment of varicose veins

With the demonstration even the early signs of the disease, you should immediately contact your doctor. In fact, in the initial phase, the development of the disease can still stop the medication. The treatment of varicose veins in the legs deals with a particular doctor.

If an expert in health clinic may not solve the problem, by assigning the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Treatment of varicose veins of the feet is built according to the degree of injury of the blood vessels.

  1. The first phase is due to the manifestation of fatigue syndrome of the foot accompanied by swelling.
  2. The second phase relate to pathology with the constant otekamu, the pigmentation of the skin with the seal of the hypodermic structures (fiber), and the development of different foci.
  3. The third phase is characterized ulcerative defects tрофandчеwithкого genesis.

Of course, to halt the process easier to not have to wait for the third degree of the disease. In the initial stages to stop the process, you can still medication, expand it to the efficiency of the animal means.

There are several tools for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs in the early stages of the disease. Here include chemotherapy or a variety of treatments, minimally invasive technology.

First of all, it is mesh compression (stockings, tights, socks) and elastic бandнtовandнandе. When withdandвлandвandнandand of certain muscle groups, occurs improvement of blood flow and reduction of processes of coagulation of the blood. This technique eliminates the expansion of blood vessels and the development of thrombosis.

Today, the ideal IUdandкandIUнtasnych funds of the varicose veins, that would have influence on all of the links in пandtogenetandчеwithкого the process of developing disease – not. In most cases, apply special therapy. Partially stop the process of development in the early stages of therapy conservative as possible, but are already available components of the education of medications is not possible to remove.

Medicines for the treatment of varicose veins feet

1. The principal indicated medicines that can restore the tone of the vascular, relieve the venous congestion and improve the processes of microcirculation of the tissues in the form of sprays, gels, tablets and ointments.

2. To prevent the development of thrombosis are attributed to drugs, with the inclusion of heparin, and thinning the blood.

3. For the reduction of inflammatory processes, swelling and analgesia, most often are assigned gels special sprays and ointments of varicose veins.

Operational intervention

During the execution of the process of varicose veins in the legs, the operation can not avoid. Modern techniques are minimally invasive and radically different from the old techniques. Are different small tрandвмandtandчнOStd and the lack of expressed headaches. This is:

  • minimally the technical procedures, eliminate the pathology of venous return;
  • multiple modifications of the procedure, chosen taking into account the current pathology;
  • the technique cholangitis, based on the solution of blood flow method of agglomeration venous wall;
  • closure venous the gaps laser coagulation;
  • the treatment varicose veins the great vessels method of ablation by radio frequency;
  • and a technique of sclerosing and other procedures.

The method of treatment is chosen taking into account the clinical picture. This is why it is very important to seek medical help in time. You should not expect the performance of different treatment techniques at home.

They are able to only alleviate the symptoms, but fully cured are not able to. The most effective of the tools, staff complement to pharmacological treatment includes:

  • compresses, tinctures and exciting break of the fruit pods, green, bark, leaves, and inflorescences of plants known for their medicinal properties, brown;
  • compresses and rubbing the affected veins apple cider vinegar;
  • lotions and compresses dyes prostоквandшand with absinthe;
  • anklets baths and lotions blue clay;
  • the consumption of grape juice or wine grape varieties.

And, certainly, will not do harm to no one, approved, and selected medical exercise therapy by exercise.

Prevention varicose veins

As preventive measures to apply:

  • the leak of the legs with the gradual decrease of the temperature, for the improvement of blood circulation;
  • anklets of the bathroom, with the consequent allowing cm with a towel and apply the cream treatment;
  • massage;
  • when on vacation keep your feet in the sublime position.

Recommended: to give up visiting the hot steam rooms, saunas and baths, to eliminate the physical load of your feet. Balance nutritious diet and stop smoking and consumption of alcohol. Remove the excess weight and choose comfortable shoes.