Varicose veins of the lips: causes and characteristic symptoms, the photo, and methods of treatment

This is related to the deterioration of the peristalsis of the blood vessels, lower your tone, that, in a complex and causes stagnation of venous blood in the area of the lower limbs and groin.

varicose veins of the labia

When timely diagnosis and respecting the recommendations of the doctor the disease is not the likelihood of complications.

The causes of varicose veins in the lips of the vagina

Main causes varicose veins the lips more:

  • the increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is responsible for the preparation of the uterus to nourish the fruit, reduces its elasticity, and stimulate muscle tone. A similar effect to what it seems, and the blood vessels;
  • violation of the elastic vessels of the lower limbs;
  • significantly increased the volume of blood. This creates in the city of vienna that are in the area of the lower limbs and in the groin, additional mechanical load;
  • the pressure on the vessels, which grows in volume a womb (during pregnancy). Some of the blood vessels are compressed, which worsens the circulation, disrupted the work of the heart valves, responsible for the prevention of the return flow of blood. Because of this, and you get stagnation.

Unfortunately, in advance, to predict the emergence of varicose veins is not possible, since a lot depends on the general state of the cardiovascular system of the patient, as well as the concentration of progesterone in the blood. As practice shows, as the worsening is more likely to occur after the age of 40 years, and also when the pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! The doctors also point to the fact that the varicose veins in the lips of the vagina is the consequence of the lack of physical activity, women in period of gestation. In the early stages really recommended to prevent loads, at least if you move, but from the second quarter of long walks – are required. If your not is not to stimulate the circulatory system and, as a consequence of the stagnation.

In other cases, varicose veins often called "professional" of the disease. Occurs is that those who the major part of the working day is "standing". To do this, for example, relate to sellers in shops, operating, nurses, dentists, hairdressers.

Constant muscle tension causes the curvature of the blood vessels, followed by its occlusion. This can happen as in the perineal area, and lower limbs. Depends on the state of the circulatory system in these areas.

The symptoms

Key semiology varicose veins the lips – is the emergence of visually visible blue or red blood vessels of the subcutaneous layer. This only indicates that there is a return of blood pressure, stagnation and atrophy partial veins the wall.

Initially, they appear in a region over the groin, and after a certain period of time (before you increase the workload) increases volume and lip. More often than not only one, but are the cases and bilateral varicose veins.

That in this moment occurs in the body? In one of the veins significantly reduces the rate of blood flow.

the symptoms of varicose veins

The pressure on the walls of the blood vessels of the interior increases and the increase.

They become thinner, which causes the risk of rupture.

Complemented by all of this dysfunction of the valves. Those, because of the strong pressure on them, may not overlap vienna in the process of relaxation of the heart muscle, and part of the blood just begins to flow in the opposite direction.

It is once again creates a tension elastic walls and its curvature.

In these locations, there is the possibility of the occurrence of clotsthat can completely obstruct the vessel and cause its atrophy.

IMPORTANT! When you receive preliminary signs of varicose veins, the touch, the woman feels nothing. When it worsens the symptoms, you receive a discomfort, a sensation of pain, the pressure, the floor and the tension of the muscles of the vagina.

That is dangerous varicose veins?

Varicose veins extension dangerous opening of internal hemorrhaging when the rupture of the venous wall. All of this complemented by a psychological factor, as well as visually lips become huge and ugly. This can lead to the emergence of an inferiority complex, and the dysfunction of the reproductive system.

It is especially dangerous varicose veins in pregnancy, as well as the birth and pre-natal scrimmage (especially when it is significant for the disclosure of the cervix) may become provocative factor for the rupture of the blood vessels. If this happens, there is a high risk of internal bleeding.

When the premature detection of the varices there is a high likelihood of atrophy of the blood vessels. They no longer circulate blood, and activated the process of resorption of vienna. If the circulation is highly committed, that is, the probability of the need for amputation damaged sexual lips.

Treatment varicose veins labia

Today, there are several effective methods of treatment varicose veins:

  • the conservative therapy. Implies the intake of medicines that stimulate the heart function, and also wearing a compression garment. All this is complemented by a medical physical exercises;
  • surgical. Are not the vessels are removed completely through an incision in the perineal region;
  • the stapling. The damaged veins in the initial phase of the disease are blocked with the help of a laser cauterization. With the passing of time, they resolve, and in their place appear new.

Conservative therapy is the preferred option, but permits its application only in the early stage varicose veins, and when the lips do not increase in size, which indicates the absence of a total occlusion. When the doctor prescribes stimulants and the medicines that prevent the onset of thrombosis.

Wearing a compression garment designed to keep the vessels of the lower limbs in its primary state, when no bends. This encourages normal blood circulation and reduces the pressure. The course of treatment given at the physician's discretion.

The surgical method is the most radical, and can be used when you are prompted risk of open bleeding internal. Applies to the last, when it is likely to atrophy lips.

And here is the laser, the procedure is relatively new variation of treatment with a minimum of trauma. Here are only the instrumentation required for its implementation, in the majority of state clinics.

varicose veins in pregnancy

Total, varicose veins the lips – is the malfunction of the cardiovascular system due to deterioration of the elastic. When the early detection of lends itself to a conservative treatment. Especially dangerous for pregnant women, as well as the risk of internal bleeding in the process of childbirth.