The symptoms of varicose veins in the feet of men and their treatment methods

Varicose veins in legs for men is a pathology common, with varicose vessels of the lower limbs. This violation has the stronger sex is less common than women. This is due mainly to differences in hormonal background, that can occur throughout life. Many men take the first manifestations of the varicose veins on your feet for a slight cosmetic damage, therefore, fall into the reception to a specialist in the later stages of the pathological process.

varicose veins in legs for men


Physical factors the development of varicose veins in the legs of men is less than in women. Representatives of the stronger sex, do not walk high heels, not attending to the children and does not suffer with the constant evolution along the life in the hormone levels. Due to the lack of influence of these unfavorable factors only 15-20 % of men can occur the development of varicose veins.

However, the anatomy of the veins of the lower limbs predisposes to stagnation of blood, t. to. your pumping is carried out with the help of a complex mechanism, which includes the pressure in the circulatory system, special valves and reduction of large muscles. The influence of adverse factors leads to the impairment of the cardiovascular system feet. Create conditions for the development of this pathological condition men can:

  • changes related to age;
  • acquisition of hormonal medication;
  • lack the necessary physical exercise;
  • the excess weight;
  • tABAparaonparaureneithere;
  • the weight lifting;
  • the increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • the unbalanced diet;
  • trauma of the extremities;
  • the abuse of alcohol.

In rare cases, the extension of the diameter of the blood vessels of the lower limbs is the result of education is a large tumor in the abdominal cavity. In the study of family history of men who suffer from boilparaonзonм, are detected multiple cases of this pathological state, therefore, does not rule out the possibility of hereditary predisposition.

The symptoms of varicose veins men

This violation is different than the long period of accumulation of the symptomatic manifestations. Boilparaonзonм walls of the veins can be reached on both the right and the left leg, but in most cases, there is a face pathology, although the degree of the manifestations of its symptoms in the limbs may be different.

The first one appears and is expressed in vascular mesh on the skin ponparaponinandх. Such varicose veins gradually increase in size and become numerous. Many times, the emergence of expressed venous mesh in the skin of the feet goes unnoticed man. In addition, already in the early stages of developing varicose veins, men can bother the following symptoms:

  • the severity and pain in the feet after a long stay in the standing position;
  • edema of the legs;
  • pain in the state of rest;
  • nocturnal, cramps;
  • the itching;
  • cold extremities;
  • the feeling of chills on the skin.

In the absence of a directional treat symptoms of varicose veins strengthened. General characteristics when boilparaonзnonм expansion of the veins of the men who begin to be charged pigmented spots. In the area of the legs, they start very detachment. Occurs a gradual thinning of all layers of the epidermis.

General characteristics of the feet, first, acquire neewithtewithtinennую pallor, and then become blue or purple. Venous wall are expanding. In the later stages of the pathological process clearly manifested бугpиwithtse boilparaonзnse angles. Stand out above the surface of the skin.

In the last phases of a violation of men as well visible manifestations tponfиhewithparatheir changes of the skin covering due to a violation of the power of oxygen and minerals.

How to treat

To make the diagnosis, and therapy target, you should get advice vascular surgeon or phlebologist. Necessarily conducted a survey of the veins of the lower limbs, pelvic organs, and testes. Therapy varicose veins in men can be performed as of conservative and operational methods. This depends on the degree in which it was identified the pathology.

the treatment of varicose veins

In the early stages of development of varicose veins treatment involves wearing a compression garment, physical exercise, physiotherapy and medication use. It can bring benefits to and some home remedies. In severe cases, without the operation not to do.


The surgery interventions of the resort, when conservative therapy does not allow to improve the state. To get rid of advanced veins, a man can be offered the following types of operations that are minimally invasive:

  • laser coagulation;
  • rf impact;
  • withparaleponterape;
  • fleEBparatonмия.

After such operational interventions, the patient recovers quickly. Type of surgical intervention vascular, the surgeon identifies an individual basis for each patient.

Folk remedies

Herbal formulations can be used only by recommendation of your doctor. A good effect is achieved with the application of dyes brown in men.

To prepare this tool, you have about 5 ct. l. of the skins of the fruits of plants pour 1 full glass of vodka. The composition must move in a glass jar in the dark and insist over 1 week. Ready tool to use to clean the affected areas.

To contribute to the solution of spider veins can occur on the basis of juice paraandlandnхonэ. Applying your need in 30 minutes.

That is dangerous

In most cases, the men go into a doctor's appointment, already in the later stages of varicose veins. This increases the risk of developing complications. Advanced of vienna, often inflamed, which becomes the cause of flebitand. In addition, it is pathological, the state may cause the occurrence of thrombosis.

The formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vessels of the lower limbs is a danger to the life of a man. The detachment of a blood clot can cause arterial thromboembolism and death. In addition, in the later stages of development of varicose veins in men in the majority of cases, the disease is complicated tponfиhewithparathey pests, which are extremely difficult to treat.


To the extent that the progression of the varicose veins can occur muscle atrophy and reduction of the thickness of the skin of the integument. Due to a violation of nutrition of tissues any abrasions, scratches and bruises heal for a long time and often become the cause of the formation tponfиhewithparatheir ulcers. When the cure of such formations are denominated the foci of infiltration, scars and other imperfections.

The pain that men become chronic, so even, short walks become difficult to configure and maintain. In addition, many times varicose veins of the vessels of the lower limbs pepeparaидsinandetwithя in the groin and the pelvic organs. A common consequence is the varicocele, t. e. varicose veins the seed of the ropes. With this pathology men, having problems with the power. The disease can cause infertility.

Prevention varicose veins

To prevent the injury of the veins in the legs of a man, it is worth following a few rules. In the first place, it is necessary to closely monitor energy and to prevent the development of obesity. The diet must enter large amounts of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish. This will reduce the risk of the emergence of хonlewithtepиnoninsх plates and deterioration of the blood vessels of the lower limbs.

You should avoid alcohol and get rid of other bad habits, in t. h. tobacco. To prevent the increase of pressure in the veins and arteries of the legs you need to let go of the weight lifting and excessive physical. Preferably, all days to take a shower of sensations, and to do baths for feet on the basis of medicinal herbs.

If a person does not have contra-indications, can prophylactic purposes, after consulting a doctor to use drugs, the provision of and toning effect toning. Has responsibility for the choice of the shoe. It should be made from natural materials and is covered by size.

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The buyer marked clothing to be abandoned. You need to make a special gym, the promoters of the solution to the stagnation of blood in the lower limbs. In the purposes of prevention can be recommended wearing a compression garment.