How to cure varicose veins: the best tool

Varicose veins is present in every second man after 40. Only a few manifests itself very swollen veins, and others simply periodic pain and tiredness in the legs. Cure the disease need at any stage of your leaking, to avoid complications. Consider, how to cure varicose veins are veins in the legs folk media, and with the use of medicines and means exterior.

how to cure varicose veins

The treatment of varicose veins

Let's start with the most categorical way, to understand that it is better not to bring this. Then, learn how to heal varicose veins are veins without operation.

Operational intervention used in the last stages of the disease, or when other methods do not work.

Removal of the blood

It implies a court of vienna or of punch for the production of a certain amount of blood (up to 300 ml). This allows you to run the backup of the mechanisms of blood circulation. After the excision of the vein, you can also type it medicines.

For the procedure, are sometimes used leeches. They not only suck the blood, but also in parallel, injected into the vein of a substance that reinforces the corrective action procedure.


Partially cure varicose veins in the leg and the help of phlebectomy. It is an operation to remove the vein affected. The result of this intervention is achieved an excellent cosmetic effect: the legs become smooth, without any bulging of the blood vessels. The therapeutic use is also, certainly, there are: the blood flow is restored.

Phlebectomy can be performed surgically, when the affected area vienna, literally pulled from the total of blood circulation to crochet. The second method with a laser. In the vein of the laser is introduced into a light guide, under the influence of the walls glued together and are converging. Vienna stops working.

The conservative treatment varicose veins

Still most of the people care about, you can cure varicose veins without surgery. Yes, it is possible, but only if timely approach. Treat varicose veins need to consistently and integrated, using several types of therapy.

Medical therapy

Or treatment with tablets. Called the tablets of the varicose veins does not exist. But there are medications that can increase the tonus of the veins, strengthen the walls, relieve the inflammation and you thin the blood. From modern and efficient medicines include:

  • Anticoagulants.
  • Decongestants.
  • Antiplatelet agents.
  • For the resolution of hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • The antioxidants.

Medicines you should prescribe the doctor or vascular surgeon in the composition of the adjuvant therapy. Because just taking the pills will not cure the walk of varicose veins. You need to use other forms.

Outdoors, the methods of fighting varicose veins

There are several options that can be used together or alternate.

Mesh compression

Wearing special golf or stocking, that affect different parts of the foot to different pressures, allows not only to prevent swelling and fatigue, but also to improve the function of the veins. Wear this shirt does not hurt, does not cause discomfort. The problem is the correct selection of the degree of compression. Preferably, your determined the doctor, because it depends on the severity of the leak varicose veins.

How to cure varicose veins, only wearing socks? In the first place, you need to do this regularly, wearing a shirt in the morning and having to remove the night. This is very useful, especially for those who have to sitting or standing work. In the second place, to achieve increase effect, you can use a slimming stockings under a ointment against varicose veins, about which we will talk later. Meshes compression can lead men and women. For the last released special socks and stockings of black color, therefore, does not distinguish the normal from the clothing.

Ointments and creams against varicose veins

This is an excellent method to assist the treatment. Apply special ointment during the night, and under meshes compression.

Thanks outdoor tools, you can achieve the following results:

the ointment of varicose veins
  1. the reduction of pain in the legs;
  2. the reduction in the level of swelling;
  3. improvement activities valve system;
  4. the increased tone of the venous walls;
  5. the restoration of the blood flow;
  6. the prevention of complications.

Comments pointed to the effect of the use of ointments only in conjunction with the intake of pills and the size of compression stocking. If the stain of the foot and nothing more to do – the results there will be. However, when it comes to prevention of varicose veins, and ointments to be enough.

Massage on the feet and a shower of sensations

Now about how to heal varicose veins feet at home. Those who suffer from varicose veins, you should include in your routine of the day two procedures: a shower of sensations (striping cold and hot water) and massage on the feet. The last can be combined with rubbing the ointment, take advantage of the special massage ball.

Massages and showers help improve blood circulation. It is also conducive to the reabsorption of small clots of blood, which, subsequently, does not become the act of the obstruction of blood vessels.

Popular methods against varicose veins expansion

You can try to cure varicose veins folk media. But this method should be discussed with your doctor and also be used in a comprehensive manner. We present a few recipes from the magazine HLS.

Leaves of burdock

Mark the burdock in a forest or in a park. At home wash them with running water. Pre-curl the feet of a layer of sterile bandage. Then, make a pair of sheets, with the back kettle hot for a few seconds. Apply hot mugs to the feet during the night. Apply the tool through the day for 2 weeks. Help against the pain and the swelling.

Apple cider vinegar

If your feet are not trophic ulcers and other lesions, you can rub your apple cider vinegar for the night. After only a month daily, rubbing the knots will dissolve, feet of the most visually beautiful and smooth. If there are no problems with the stomach and the intestine, the apple cider vinegar you can drink. 1 St. l. diluted in a glass of water, add honey and drink half an hour before breakfast.


Need 100 g molhere spices. The powder is poured 0.5 liters of vodka and onStavetsa in container in the dark for 10 days. Every day you need to shake the bottle (can). After you do this, the tool is filtered and used 20 drops before meals. Apply can be up to complete healing.

Where is the best place to treat varicose veins

You can cure varicose veins at home? This question is raised by people who do not have time for treatment in hospital, and only those who do not like the health institutions. Home treatment is possible; the person can continue to go to work. But choose and appoint all of the procedures must still the doctor (angiolog). He is also the graph of visits the patient in order to observe the dynamics of the disease.

Particularly severe cases of varicose veins can be treated in the clinic, in the unit of vascular surgery. If such separation does not, the patient can put in the common surgical. The procedures in this case, are assigned to the shots (diuretics, to eliminate the edema), eye dropper (for cleaning and thinning the blood), pill. If, for a certain period of time improvement does not occur, the doctor can ask the question about the need for phlebectomy or other type of intervention.

Quickly heal varicose veins does not happen neither in the clinic or at home. Even after you remove the vein affected will need to comply with the prevention, to save the result.

How to avoid varicose veins

An important question is: is it possible to cure varicose veins are forever? Yes, if after the resolution of all the symptoms of comply with simple measures of prevention.

  • Continue to use meshes of compression (at least a few days per week).
  • In the year drink 1-2 course of tablets, to maintain the state of the veins is normal.
  • More if you move, do a massage or self-massage, not to forget the contrast of the soul.
  • Try to avoid too much high heels and socks with tight by a rubber band.
the treatment of varicose veins

Prevention varicose veins simple; but the main thing – the frequency. If you ignore the procedures, varicose veins of the extension can start again. And once again you'll have to treat. And the treatment of disease is always more tiring than its prevention.