Varicose veins in the genital organs

Varicose veins on the genital organs can form in both men and women. Among the fair sex, pregnant women often suffer. Genital varicose veins occur due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. Manifestations of this disease bring discomfort in lifestyle.

If varicose veins in the intimate place are detected at an early stage of development, there is a high probability of avoiding complications and pathological consequences.

The cause of its occurrence

Genital varicose veins occur in humans for a variety of reasons.

  1. Hereditary factors play an important role. People whose relatives suffer from varicose veins on the genitals should pay attention to precautionary measures. This will reduce the risk of unpleasant pathology. Physicians have noticed similar illnesses in relatives in the past. Some medications can trigger varicose veins.
  2. Varicose veins on the genitals often occur due to bad habits of the patient. A large number of residents in the Russian Federation have bad habits such as smoking. Every smoker knows the damage to the body. Group C vitamins are responsible for the strength of venous walls, nicotine damages nutrients and increases the risk of varicose veins on the genitals and other parts of the body. The longer a person smokes, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology.
  3. The likelihood of genital varicose veins increases with alcohol abuse. Due to the effects of alcohol, the inflammatory process begins in the venous tissues.
  4. Varicose veins can be caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. If a person spends most of the day sitting or standing, this will increase the risk of disease. For a few days, varicose veins will not arise, but if the recurrent condition persists for several years, then the cause of the onset of the disease may be exactly like this.
  5. Often, varicose veins on the genitals appear in pregnant women. Physicians associate it with hormonal disorders in the body. Several hormonal components are responsible for keeping the veins in good condition. Often, varicose veins on the labia appear during puberty, which is also explained by hormonal imbalances.
  6. Genital varicose veins often occur in overweight people. If a person has a predisposition to obesity, he needs to remember that with weight gain, the load on the body, including the pelvic organs, also increases.
groin pain with genital varicose veins

In men, varicose veins on the genitals can be associated with several reasons.

  1. Improper sexual intercourse.
  2. Use of erectile dysfunction.
  3. Damage to the reproductive and urinary systems.


The clinical manifestations of pathology in men and women are different. The symptoms of varicose veins in the genital organs in women are as follows.

  • An increase in veins is possible, a large number of intertwined nodules appear.
  • In the perineum, the skin becomes dry, irritable.
  • In the groin area, there is an itchy, painful sensation.
  • A burning sensation is possible.
  • Swelling of the genitals.
  • Dysuric disorders.

During intercourse, the clinical manifestations described above in women are exacerbated, and discomfort also increases during physical exercise or after using the toilet. In most cases, patients complain of excruciating pain in the perineum area. Because of the constant discomfort, the psychological health of the patient suffers, he becomes irritable.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, there is no discomfort; the presence of the disease can be predicted by small nodules in the genital area. Over time, they begin to grow larger, and other symptoms gradually develop. Neoplasms interfere with sexual activity, human movement.

Another sign that indicates varicose veins on the genitals is skin pigmentation in the perineal area. During palpation, the presence of venous nodules is felt, which becomes larger over time.

In half of the male population, the disease is often accompanied by varicocele, and the testicular venous ducts dilate. In the early stages of pathological development, blood circulation is disrupted, over time, blood begins to accumulate, which leads to an increase in the genitals.

One of the most serious complications of genital varicose veins is infertility. One of the surest signs of varicose veins of the reproductive system is a painful sensation during sexual intercourse. There are enlarged venous ducts on the genitals.


The earlier pathological treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications. Genital varicose veins are dangerous as follows.

  • There is a risk of infertility.
  • The beginning of the inflammatory process in the genital organs.
  • Mental health damage due to discomfort.

The disease can cause disturbances in the function of the reproductive system; in the process of giving birth to a fetus in a mother with genital varicose veins, difficulties may arise.

The possibility of infertility is explained by the fact that inflammation during the development of the disease can get into the tissues of the genital organs themselves. As a result, boils begin to form. In such a situation, the physician performs a surgical intervention, conservative methods will not be effective.

If the patient ignores the clinical manifestations of the disease and does not seek the advice of a physician for a long time, his flora is disrupted. As a result, infectious and fungal inflammation begins. This further complicates the diagnosis.

Methods of treatment

While contacting a physician, the patient undergoes a diagnostic procedure, undergoes a blood test. Often, conservative methods to combat the disease are used. The attending physician recommended buying compression underwear, prescribing a medicated ointment with anesthesia, and prescribing a number of medications.

In some cases, there is a need for sclerotherapy. This is an injection technique with which you can get rid of the altered vein. The affected area is cooled with air, after which a drug solution is injected, which causes narrowing of the veins and normalization of blood flow. 6 minutes after injection, the affected area is squeezed from both sides.

Sclerotherapy is one of the effective methods to treat genital varicose veins, it prevents the formation of blood clots in the future.


The medical stage does not make it possible to get rid of varicose veins on the genital organs. Consultation with a physician is allowed to achieve a rapid improvement in the condition and the elimination of clinical manifestations of pathology.

At the end of the course of treatment, the patient should perform pathological prevention, this will reduce the risk of relapse.

  • If there are hereditary factors, then it is recommended to abandon hormone medications. This includes contraceptives.
  • Pregnancy can cause complications if a woman has a high chance of developing genital varicose veins. During pregnancy, hormonal changes take place in the body. As a result, there may be a lack of hormones that keep the veins in good condition. For this reason, during pregnancy, the risk of the formation of genital varicose veins increases dramatically.
  • It is important for adolescents to be informed in advance of possible serious consequences in the event of early sexual activity.
  • Physicians strongly recommend quitting smoking and alcohol abuse. A large number of methods and ways to let go of bad habits have been developed.
  • Doctors advise to pay special attention to combat excess weight. Obesity is not just caused by overeating. It is impossible to beat the pathology until the patient loses the extra pounds.

The level of modern medicine allows you to overcome the clinical manifestations of genital varicose veins. There are many painless methods to solve problems.

All the patient needs is to see a physician when the first symptoms of the disease occur. This will simplify the treatment process and avoid complications.