Why it occurs and how it is handled, the varicose veins of the uterus?

quam swelling in the womb represents a great danger for the woman, especially if she is pregnant. More often the disease is accompanied by quam swelling dilatation of the vessels of the lower limbs, in the lips of the vagina, on the cervix, and of any pelvic organs. When mater quam swelling disturbed with the output of a liquid. The pathology is typical of a thinning of the walls of the veins of the uterus, the extension of the lumen of the blood vessels and the formation nodular veins.

There are 2 types of quam swelling in the womb:
  1. The acquired form develops in the midst of conditions negative to the blood vessels. Can be primary and secondary. In the second case, are the cause of the disease gynaecological direction.
  2. Innate views occurs in the womb of the mother, or transmitted by inheritance.
Classification quam swelling of the uterus of the degree of severity:
  1. In the first stage of the disease development of blood vessel diameter increases up to 7 мм.
  2. In a second phase, up to 8 mm, of vienna, deform.
  3. In the third phase, with a maximum of 13 мм. Accompanied by the formation of nodes.

Features players quam swelling in pregnancy

During pregnancy quam swelling varicose veins of the womb is not found very often, but it can also occur because of the increase of the uterus size. This contributes in obsessio the circulatory system. And it is during this period, it is necessary to increase the blood supply, as well as sanguis net provides the placenta and directly the result of nutrients. If the woman carries the baby, the placenta and the fetus does not receive the proper food, that develops from the oxygen deprivation. You need to know that in this period disturbed hormone levels, which relax the walls of the veins and valves will not operate in the desired mode. This causes the development of quam swelling of varicose veins in the uterus.

 varicose veins in pregnancy</1_img>


The factors, instigating the development of the pathology, are:
  • the period of pregnancy, as well as the pressure on the blood vessels;
  • excessive exercise increases the flow of a fluid to the uterus, which lengthens the the vienna;
  • constipation;
  • some hormonal medication containing estrogen, have a negative impact on the elastic properties of blood vessels;
  • otium women: because of the гиподинамии are formed in the stagnation of the phenomenon;
  • curvi of the uterus;
  • the hormonal imbalance;
  • quam swelling in the womb, it can develop in the fund is not cured of the disease of inflammatory character;
  • frequent abortion and artificial birth;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle that the woman is not referred to a gynecologist;
  • gynaecological pathology of chronic character, also cause the development of quam swelling expansion of the blood vessels;
  • imperium indigentiam reception of contraception;
  • generic operation with complications;
  • frequent pregnancy;
  • obesity, which is the pressure on the uterus.

The symptoms quam swelling of the uterus

Characteristic of a symptomatology that does not exist, but the guess about the development of quam swelling in the uterus may be thus characterised:
  • pain that is caused traiecto and tractus character in the lower part of the belly – exactly as in the inflammatory processes;
  • the pain irradiet, in the area of the sacrum or lumbar spine;
  • strong pain syndromes during the month;
  • the pain and discomfort during and after intercourse;
  • обильность of vaginal discharge;
  • menstruation may be the result of a long period of time, but when the blood of the allocation of light;
  • urination dysfunctional;
  • the pain may occur even after the physical exertion and static postures.
The symptoms варикоза of the uterus</2_img>


If you found symptoms quam swelling in the uterus, you need to urgently refer to a gynaecologist, who will make an inspection at the гинекологическом of wheels. Necessarily need a blood test. In addition, apply hardware diagnostic techniques:

  • ultrasound intravaginales: through a sensor, inserted inside the vagina, it is evaluated the state of the blood vessels;
  • to identify the degree of severity is applied venography внутриматочная: the method resembles an x-ray, but uses the contrast agent;
  • the laparoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • dopplerographic methods of research;
  • ultra-sonography.

If not treated quam swelling in the womb, complications: infertility, rupture of blood vessels, hemorrhage, inflammatory processes, thrombosis, externus abdominis syndrome, and so on.The treatment quam swelling of varicose veins in the uterus The treatment quam swelling expansion of the vessels should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. This is the only way to achieve positive results. The therapy includes the following components:

1. The drug treatment with the use of such medicines:
  • venarum means, that not only strengthen vein walls, but and resolve the inflammatory process and swelling. .
  • angioprotective drugs, due to which accelerates the blood circulation, strengthen the vessels and decreases the permeability of the veins. They also have antiexudativ effect.
  • medications with analgesic effect.
2. The reception of a multivitamin complex. 3. Correction of energy – the doctor prescribes a special diet, which is important to strictly observe. When it is used in cases of surgical intervention. This can be such techniques:
  • Vascular-resection. In this case, to monitor the progress of the handle through an endoscope.
  • Склеротерапия or embolization in ovarii vessels. In this case, it is introduced a particular solution, through which decreases the opening in the quam swelling vienna of the uterus. Necessarily is performed angiography – examination of the uterus with the use of contrast medium.
  • Can be removed gonadal vienna.
  • When hysterectomy amputetur the uterus.
  • Is used to sclerotherapy, in which the dead of the vessels from sticking together.
  • Still a modern method of laser coagulation. Thanks to laser adurere, to vienna.

Recipes folk therapy quam swelling of the uterus are applied as support tools. They are quite effective and totally safe. Here are the best recipes:

  • The use of brown is justified, because the plant has beneficial effects not only on the wall of the circulatory system, but the structure of the blood. You can prepare a tincture at home or buy at any pharmacy. The tool is cheap, but effective. To cook at home you will need the fruit or flowers of the chestnut, in number of 5 tablespoons. Your pour a liter of food, alcohol, divorced with water, in the proportion of 50/50. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Periodically, the tool need to shake. Then, dye strain through several layers of gauze, and to take by mouth three times a day. Pour in a glass of water, place 30 drops of the tincture, carefully. Then, take the tool. To consume it preferably for 20 to 30 minutes before a meal.
  • You can use цветочную part lavender and propolis. Of flowers, 100 grams of bee propolis – 30. Mix the two ingredients and pour in a bottle of quality vodka. Insist 30 days in a dark place. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Nettle. Can be used in the form of fresh or exaruit. In 200 ml of boiling water you need to take just a couple of tablespoons of the grass. Boil 15 мин. in the water bath, after cooling, strain. Eat three times a day for 100 мл.
Recipes folk therapy</3_img>


Preventive measures to alert quam swelling expansion of the blood vessels of the uterus are quite simple. They include the following activities:

  • The proper nutrition, due to which the body is able to cope with any pathological processes. Also the sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins for those who want to saturate the circulatory system. Therefore, the walls of the veins are strong and elastic, and the blood have the normal structure.
  • No need to overload the body with physical activity. If you exercise, then do not bring the excessive fatigue. Do not use gravity.
  • Don't let obesity control your weight.
  • Do not use too much of a lingerie.
  • Visit your gynecologist twice a year, even in cases in which you have nothing to worry about.

Forecast when quam swelling of the uterus is quite favorable, but just in case, and if appropriate consult the gynecologist and phlebologist. Comprehensive treatment helps to quickly and effectively resolve this unpleasant problem.