Varicose veins are men

varicose veins are men

This disease exposed today, not only the sex, but and the men. The latter being the main factor is the hereditary predisposition. The one that causes varicose veins in men?

What do you do?

Contribute to the development of varicose veins and lifestyle, including a variety of abuse, bad habits.

But the higher degree of varicose veins suffer all men and women with excess weight, generally arise due to a poor diet: it is very large the amount of carbohydrates and, vice versa, the lack of foods of plant origin. Because the feet carry the weight of the body, when there is excess weight, that are responsible for more and more of the load.

Under the influence of a great weight of body, occurs additional venous pressure, by which the blood is forced to act under a higher pressure, which is of small weight. The result of the individual weak areas of tissue venous occurs elongation, which leads to the formation of bubbles and knots.

The consequence of varicose veins in men, it is often the varicocele - varicose veins of the egg. Develop hypotrophy of the egg, it decreases in size, and, as a consequence, occurs a violation of process of production of sperm. The testicles become slow, pathological, and as a result, a man waiting for infertility.

The fact is that vienna, the bearer of the blood of the left side of the egg, leads to the inferior vena cava, and the left - the left kidney. The latter has that "transferred" through the aorta in a very dangerous place, that, live, it becomes a dam in the path of venous thrombosis bed.

This cut increases gradually the pressure, the valves will no longer keep the blood, and, thus, begin the fault of the egg.

This process, interestingly, occurs in older people. But it is more often used in boys aged 16 to 18 years of age, when the internal organs and, especially, the vascular system, there is no time for the growth of the skeleton.

From the age of 20 in this case, used purely surgical techniques, that have been attacked, with dangerous consequences, often leading to infertility.

Now in vascular surgery apply less traumatica endoscopic operations that tied ularis vienna.

As to the varicose veins on foot that were men, its treatment are applied as conservative, and surgical techniques of treatment. Sclerotherapy is one of the main methods of non-surgical treatment of the disease.

In our clinic it is also performed to solve the first signs of varicose veins, disease: multiple small capillary (diameter 0.3 to 0.5 mm), pigmentation, swelling, dryness and reduce skin tone.

Miniflebektomiya, Peel, kriostripping are performed in the hospital environment, and the next day you can go back to the normal, mode of life and their sector of work.