The treatment of varicose veins without operation, and popular methods. How to treat varicose veins with the operation of

Varicose veins – a common disease, which, according to doctors, affects around 30% of people. More often than get sick woman: they had the disease often manifests during pregnancy and after childbirth. The reason is the increased load on the feet, but also to the hormonal changes.

Varicose veins leading to serious complications, since the patient can die. Therefore, the grip with your treatment, it is not worth. In addition, get rid of the disease and recover fully the health of the veins difficult.
how to get rid of varicose veins

What are varicose veins and their types

Varicose veins – a disease, which interrupted the circulation of the blood, increases the lumen of blood vessels. In the veins there are valves that prevent backflow of bloodstream. When varicose veins their work is broken.

The valves are partially closed, part of the stagnant blood from them. Increases the pressure on the vessels, the walls are stretched. In place of stagnation is formed by a hotbed of inflammation.

The blood does not circulate in an orderly fashion, an irregular shape, the walls of the blood vessels increases, they become thin. The blood through them emerges and enters the tissue, forming a hemorrhage, which can then become inflamed. The inflammation occurs in the even vienna.

With time, are formed venous sites, which can form blood clots – blood clots.

A blood clot is dangerous, because:

  1. You can replace the lumen of the vessel to block the blood flow to a limb or organ, which will cause him death.
  2. Sign in with the shock of blood in the heart, block the lumen of the vascular, causing cardiac arrest and almost immediate death of the patient.
  3. The entry of a blood clot in the vessels of the brain filled with serious violations of the partial paralysis to coma.

There are several options for the location of the disease:

  1. Varicose veins in the legs (the most common form).
  2. Varicose veins the rectum, or hemorrhoids, – the second frequency distribution).
  3. In the area of the esophagus.
  4. In the pelvic region.
  5. Varicose veins of seed cord.

The symptoms

In the early stages to detect the disease is not easy: it manifests itself with fatigue, swelling of the feet, which usually do not give value. Even in the case of formation of vascular network, the appearance of protruding veins many are not in a hurry to go to the doctor.

Cheerleaders have the following characteristics:

  1. The swelling of the feet, especially at night.
  2. Cramps in the muscles of the legs.
  3. The gravity, the feeling of flatulence.
  4. Pain, itching in the area of veins inflamed.
  5. Visible vascular drawing point out of vienna.
  6. Bruises and bruises, not related to injuries.
  7. Bulging venous sites (that appear in the advanced stages of the disease).
  8. Black foot in the area of the tibia also indicates that you start the stage of varicose veins.
  9. The increase of the temperature.
In the early stages, when the venous mesh is only slightly emerges through the skin, you can defeat the disease and prevent complications. The longer a person ignores the disease, the more difficult the treatment will be and the more dangerous – complications.

The doctor use?

how to get rid of varicose veins treatment

Treat varicose veins are the phlebologists – specialists in diseases of the blood vessels. Here is what a professional needs to make an appointment with the first symptoms of the disease. Surgeons also sometimes treat varicose veins, especially in the implementation is the phase in which they intend to intervene.

During the examination will have to pass on the general examination of blood, and more specialized. The doctor must know the degree of coagulation of the blood, to assess the risk of blood clots.

The integrated analysis will help identify the cause (viscous blood, a large amount of cholesterol, hormonal imbalance) of the disease. Will also need an ultrasound of the blood vessels.

An additional examination will allow to form more efficient tactics of treatment, to determine if the quite conservative or the need for surgical intervention.

Methods of treatment varicose veins

The patient must understand that varicose veins are those in the early stages, when it becomes visible, it acquires the chronic form, and fight with varicose veins have a lot of time. Many patients with the diagnosis, interested in the question: it is possible to cure for ever the disease? In the initial phase – yes.

During the execution of a form it will be possible to significantly improve the state, to avoid complications and avoid losses. But to fully restore the health and elasticity of blood vessels impossible.

To avoid the deterioration-being, complications and to promote the development of the disease, it is necessary to:

  • To change the style of life – more if you move, avoid long periods of stay in the same position;
  • To normalize the power to waive a large amount of fat and sugar in the use of vegetable fibers and easy of protein;
  • Carry out curative physical education, aimed at the improvement of blood circulation;
  • Use a mesh compression;
  • Get rid of excess weight, if any. The more extra pounds, the greater is the load fragile;
  • Wear comfortable shoes, avoid high heels and models, and low shoes;
  • In holiday time to raise your legs up to at least 20 degrees – this will improve the output of blood, and prevent stagnation of the phenomenon;
  • Do not take a hot shower and try not to use the sauna is an additional one that contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. It is best to apply a bath or shower in contrast to the legs, especially at night, when plagued with fatigue;
  • Follow the recommendations of your doctor.
If there are cardiovascular disorders, problems with blood pressure should treat, simultaneously, with the elimination of varicose veins.

How to get rid of varicose veins without surgery?

The conservative treatment gives the effect if the patient in a timely manner, it sought to help. Usually, the doctor is not limited to a medicine, and gives you a comprehensive treatment.

Local media

The first thing that is in favour of the doctor – ointments for external use. They cause several times a day, light moves excessively, or rub ointment intensely is not possible – there is the risk of damage and without fragile vessels). Local media will penetrate through the skin, the result more quickly resolve the hematoma, passes the inflammation, improves the tonus of the blood vessels.

New word in the treatment of varicose veins – the use of ointments and gels the basis of heparin (substance that thins the blood) and extract of chestnut (tones up vessels).
The use of ointments enough in the early stages. In later versions, you should use other medications.

Medical therapy

how to get rid of varicose veins hydrotherapy

Your goal is to remove the inflammation, improve the state of the blood, to prevent the formation of blood clots.

For this, use various groups of drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They clean the swelling, alleviate inflammation, improve the general state. However, these drugs have a number of side-effects, therefore, apply under the close supervision of a physician.
  • Tools to thin the blood. There is one "but": such medications with caution must apply-if the patient with ulcer. If in the history of GASTROINTESTINAL disease (gi) – pre-advise the doctor to avoid the aggravation.
  • Phlebotonics usually release in the form of pills, taking two times a day equally spaced. They help improve the tonus of the blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic.
The majority of medicines for the treatment of varicose veins have no side effects, have a number of contraindications. Advise the doctor that gives the treatment of all diseases, so that it can catch the maximum is a safe drug.


It is used as a tool of struggle with varicose extension. Hot water causes expansion of the blood vessels, the cold tightening. Various series of contractions and extension to the vessels replaces a good workout.

Do not necessarily rinse water throughout the your body enough to influence the local manifestation of the varicose veins. The temperature difference should be about 30 degrees (10 to the cold, 40 hot, or 15 and 45, respectively).

Mesh compression

When varicose veins use it you will need. She has a uniform express of the action, which causes the walls of the blood vessels to shrink, does not allow the diffusion of blood outside of the vessels. Bed linen (stockings, tights, socks) does not fully remove the venous extension.


This method allows to dispense with a major surgery, in this case, if the rescue, the vessel can not be recovered. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes, the patient does not need hospitalization.

During the sclerotherapy in the damaged, vein introduce sclerosing substance. What is called the adhesion to the vessel wall. The circulation of this vienna, completely, with the time, she is reborn into fibrous tissue. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, has practically no contraindications.

Laser treatment

This method is similar to sclerotherapy, but was held without incident. A medical equipment acts on the vessel of a laser beam. The laser light is absorbed by the haemoglobin, causing the heating of vienna, from the inside to the outside.

As a result of the wall of the vein sticking together, gradually, the blood flow through it stops. Next, the process occurs as and when sclerotherapy: the movement is made by other vessels, and to vienna, gradually, resolved, becoming, in the connective tissue.

Surgical treatment

It is used in the case, if you stop the course of the disease and medications has failed. Surgery is required if the skin at the site of injury to form ulcers, or completely broken the output of blood, in the area of venous of us there is a buildup of blood clots.

The operation is a good way to cure your varicose veins, to remove the accumulation of programming venosa of us. But it is not a guarantee that the disease will not have another vienna.

At the same time, a surgery is required to identify and correct the root cause of the disease.

How to treat varicose veins at home: folk methods

Basically, they are reduced to a treatment site. It is a tool for grinding, ointments, compresses, and wrapping the base of natural products. Its main advantage is minimal, the risk of side effects. And the main disadvantage is that, thus treated varicose veins in their early stages. In the afternoon, when the surgical intervention, poultices and tools to rubbing will be enough.

The apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicose veins

The first method is the application of apple cider vinegar. It improves the tonus of the blood vessels, is the source of deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements, relieves inflammation, generates a surplus of moisture. It is used for rubbing the affected area, as well as compresses. For this, it is used pure vinegar, to compress dilute in water in a ratio of 1:1, to avoid burns.

Compresses tomato

how to get rid of varicose veins operation

More a home way to clean the venous site and advanced to vienna: the leachate of the mature, or fresh green tomatoes put in cotton cloth and make a compress. To change it every two hours, throughout the day. Treatment course of 2 weeks. This method is suitable for those who need it every day to go to work. Helps to decrease the manifestations of the disease already in the middle of the first week of treatment.

Honey for the treatment of varicose veins

Honey break take up less time and is not so laborious. Using any natural honey. Your applied on the fabric or the elastic bandage, placed on the affected area 2 hours. On the following day, the action time will increase in 2 times. On day 4 leave for the night. After 4 days make a break of a month.

Potatoes for the elimination of pests

Cure ulcers in the region of varicose veins is possible, by applying them to the raw grated potatoes. The slurry is applied over the area of the ulcer, lock the bandage. After 5 hours the potatoes need a change. A period of treatment until complete healing.