What is the reticular varicose veins of the lower limbs?

Varicose veins of the extension of the reticular vein is common in many adults as well. As is evidenced by the disease, and there are many ways to score, has a therapeutic effect on the diseased vessel.

What's all this about?

reticular varicose veins

So far (from the Latin reticulum — loop), or varicose veins in the form of a grid, it is not the only type of the disease, and the reticular form of varicose veins, the disease in its early stages. It is characterized by the expansion of a small intradermal surface of the blood-vessels, and the appearance of telangiectasias.

Telangiectasia is visible on the skin and education, extended to 0.5-1 mm (arterioles, venules, and capillaries which can appear as a cyanotic-red spots on the hives, which resembles the shape of a grid, typically complex, and the asterisk ( * ).

Diagnosed with the disease is more common in women. According to the results of the research of the medical fluid from of varicose veins to find out that 35 to 45 percent of women and 15% to 20% of adult men.

Causes of

The main reasons for the development of the disease

  • the decrease in the elasticity and density of the vascular wall;
  • violation of the procedure for the circulation of the blood.
  • the poor performance of the venous valves.

One of the factors that contribute to the changes in the vessels, the following stand out:

  • the time period of carrying a child, especially 5 and 9 months of gestation, due to an increase in the volume of blood in the blood vessels, increasing the load on the foot, re-tighten, the blood vessels in the abdomen, increasing the removed;
  • the hormonal "bursts" in the course of pregnancy and menopause;
  • hereditary predisposition to weakness of venous wall due to disturbances in the structure of the connective tissue;
  • the excess weight in the event of an increase in body mass index (bmi up to 27 kg/m2, the probability of disease increases to 30%;
  • I work with a long stay in a standing up position, sitting position, when it is the periodical rise and the migration of the loads (electric motors, the athletes to lift heavy loads, street vendors, hair stylists, travelers);
  • wearing corsets, girdles, all of which increase the pressure on the inside of the peritoneum, and the slim jeans that squeeze the vessels in the groin area;
  • the periods of application of steroids and birth-control pills or hormonal;
  • diabetes, high blood pressure, disease, dermatologic, and including a window;
  • injury, fractures of the limbs;
  • excessive and prolonged use of the solar radiation, non-smoking.
  • a small amount of fiber in the diet leads to a long-standing chronic constipation, which also contributes to the expanding of the veins, and the lack-of-nutrients – to a weakening of the blood vessel wall.

The symptoms of

Among the underlying reasons for the signs of the initial stage of the reticular varicose veins:

  • the emergence of dark red telangiectases — point, star, liquid, stains, of various sizes and brightness, which are more and more discovering the ankles, under the knees, on the thighs, then the pressure that they are small, but they manifest themselves again, and
  • the gravity, the tension on the calf muscles, rapid fatigue at walking.

The symptoms appear when the disease develops:

  • the distribution of telangiectases in the clean areas of the skin, an increase in the diameter of the capillary;
  • a sensation of flatulence in the legs, tingling, "pins and needles" (paresthesia);
  • cramps in the muscles of the lower leg, sleep, during the night or in the morning;
  • the pull of the pain.
  • low swelling in your feet, calves, and ankles at night, in the morning, it will disappear;
  • the itching in the skin over the areas of the expansion so far from the blood vessels;
  • a burning sensation in line with a victim of the vessel;
  • pain is the compression of the muscles of the calf;
  • the gradual completion hypodermic veins, and the formation of ridges in the size of 2-4 mm;
  • the expression of the brown or off-white stains, the advanced motion of the vessel, swelling, redness.

If the weather does not take activity in order to identify the root causes of the disease, and dealing with your first signs of pathology will be in a phase of marked expansion of the veins. In this case, it is under the skin, are formed with disease, we are the vessels to become narrow, winding, the road that is causing the pain.

The progression of the disease, the threat effects are thrombophlebitis, acute, non-trophic ulcer, and the development of venous insufficiency, hemorrhage, thrombosis.

The diagnosis

The definition of reticular varicose veins, it is not a challenge to the expert. To assess the prevalence of anomalies of the process, the degree of impairment and hemodynamic (blood flow), the distribution of velocities of the blood flow, identifying signs of a stroke, use the hardware diagnostic skills:

  • an ultrasound scan;
  • duplex procedures;
  • an ultra-sonic Doppler ultrasound of veins;
  • the x-ray, radionuclide methods.


the causes of varicose veins

To treat a liquid of varicose veins, you will need to immediately after the diagnosis, thus avoiding the transition to a chronic disease, in the stage of development of complications.

The majority of the forms of treatment resolves the patient for outward signs of the disease. To cure the disease, it is necessary to carry out a thorough examination with your doctor to find out the root cause of the weakness of the blood vessels and disturbances of the circulation of the blood.

Mesh compression

When the liquid of varicose veins, or the hypodermic networks in patients and healthy individuals, with a propensity for a disease, you need to buy compression socks, support hose. The concentrate of the treatment, compression is an important part of the treatment.

And mesh compression and are designed for the different parts of the foot to different pressure.

The higher the pressure falls to the ankle, as here, there is a blood difficulty comes up. The half-supports, compact design and advanced vessels, thus helping blood circulation and eliminating stagnation. In the area of the thigh compression, it decreases by about a factor of 2.5, and a time to load the smaller vessels.

Standing in the soft squeezing of the veins by preventing the expansion, which brings the micro-circulation, eliminate the swelling, prevent the suffocation of the gaps in the thrombus.

Others bezoperatsionnye methods of therapy

Among others, it is a common conservative techniques for the treatment of a liquid, varicose veins, micro-sclerotherapy and laser coagulation.

Micro-sclerotherapy – the most common method for the recovery of the reticular veins and the resolution of the telangiectasias. When the procedure is to use special enzymes that cuts the needle is introduced into the inside of the boat. A substance that causes micro damage to the internal wall of a vein, or a capillary tube. The lesions are dry, reducing the interior of the lumen. On a plot of land of an ancient vessel, formed of the weight of the connective tissues (type of scar), which is solved by a 10-to 12-months.

Sclerotherapy practice net for technology, and when the vessel is injected with a fluid composition, or in a more forward-looking-technology — Foam-form of sclerotherapy (foam). In the second version of the solution, that is, the micro-foam that you apply for the striking out of the box.

Many times they do the procedure in the video, controlling the process, and the duplex scanner.

Laser coagulation of vessels, gentle, and, at the same time, the impact of the method ensures that the removal procedure is quick, bloodless, and without affecting the healthy tissues. The procedure is performed under ultrasound.

Through a puncture in the skin, the doctor inserts into the lumen, a patient in vienna, and a catheter, the thin laser fiber. Under the influence of the high temperature of the laser beam, the wall of the affected vessels sealed.

Regardless of the number of blood vessel branching session, sclerotherapy and laser coagulation still from 15 to 60 minutes. So expressed, the therapeutic result is needed from 2 to 5 sessions.

The treatment, the sclerotherapy and the laser beam are held more frequently on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. Get out of the clinic, the patients, after 2 to 4 hours. After the procedure, and in an area which has been treated to impose a bandage in 4 to 10 days. Mesh compression will take 7 to 30 days. 2 to 4 a day, the patient returns to normal rhythm of life.

After the course of treatment is recommended for 3 to 4 months ...

  • drink 2-3 litres of fluid a day to maintain the fluid properties of the blood.
  • take all of the medicines, in general, are assigned to a doctor;
  • not to be neglected, the compression driver on the island of Jersey in the course of a journey, the length of stay at the place of work in a standing position, or sitting up;
  • a lot of walking;
  • give up on high heels.

The other methods of the treatment of reticular varicose veins are related to 3 forms of treatment.

  1. The obliteration of the vessels, techniques, EVRF, RFO). Radiowave radiation that is generated in the medical unit, attached to a limb of the catheter. Under the action of a radio wave from the wall of the vein, together with the advanced vessel will disappear and the display screen, formed on its place, it resolved for you.
  2. The heat treatment of the occlusion of the micro-pulses in the pair technique, the SVS). The technique was developed by doctors in france. Provides for the treatment of dilation of the luminal vessel with hot vapor, causing the injected through a catheter. The steam penetrates into a hard-to-reach anatomically complicated branching blood vessel, cutting and "gluing" the hair and the vênulass.
  3. A technique for the biological treatment of the glue (Venaseal) – the all-new, highly-efficient and smooth way. It is most commonly used in the treatment of reticular vein in the initial stage of the expansion. In a vessel that is under the control of ultrasound with the aid of a syringe, and the catheter is introduced with a special glue. Vienna is depressed sharply, the walls of which are glued together. The vascular loop under the skin will disappear in next to no time. While the treatment of the smaller vessels don't need to use the mesh for the compression after the procedure. Allergic reactions are excluded, as well as a special adhesive, is an all-natural product.

Surgical treatment

the treatment of varicose veins

Phlebectomy operation, when the varicose veins of the lower extremities. Occur when the vessel diameter reaches 10 mm.

Through a small incision, the surgeon removes the surface of the pot, and that the bandages and cuts. The operation is usually done under local anesthesia. The procedure is carried out with the least amount of damage to the tissues, and don't let the cosmetics that are free of blemishes.

Useful for the treatment of

The revenues of the house of medicine and in the treatment of reticular varicose veins, use in addition to care. The good results from the tools they give you when the joint application of medicines, pharmaceutical ointments, and the size of the compression of the knitted or crocheted fabrics, especially in the first phase of the telangiectasia.

  1. The bark of the due youth, the fruit of the cashew (50 g), cut into bite-sized pieces, drizzle with a glass of vodka and leave it for 20 days. After a stretch to take at least 3 weeks, three times a day for about 15 to 20 drops. After a 2-week break, you can repeat it.
  2. The cabbage leaves, wash and place in the freezing cold for up to 24 hours. Prior to going to bed so that the skin in the affected area, to impose on the leaves, and it is not tight, apply a band aid. The treatment, go every day for 1-2 months.
  3. The dried buds of the birch, asleep in a tin with a volume of 0.5 l of a 1/3. Pour vodka to the brim, and insist 10 days. Hair gently to the ground, the areas with telangiectasia.


To prevent the development of the hypodermic the "stars" you should follow the advice:

  • do not use in a game, including handbags with the goods;and
  • do not take hot baths, to relax in the sauna;
  • wear support tights or compression stockings;
  • the house more and more, to keep your feet horizontally in the high position;
  • when you are sitting on, to create the conditions for the lower limb, were in a horizontal position, and every 2 or 3 hours, take a break for 10 minutes in a gym to enable the circulation of the blood;
  • the more you move, go for walks, don't over-work;
  • to make the contrast of the shower or bath for the feet.
  • to use the ointment cures for notices of changes to the vein, taking medicines in general in order to strengthen the muscle tone of the vascular, on the recommendation of phlebologist;
  • the swim is in a pool of warm water;

You will need to adjust your diet, get rid of the excess body-weight, to stop smoking.